Thursday, February 23, 2012

Fashion Fix #3

It's a dreary, cold, rainy/snowy day here, and all I really want to do is cuddle up with my loves under a blanket and watch some of our fave shows on Netfix. And maybe eat some m&m's and drink a big mug of spiced eggnog coffee. That sounds nice. I think I have our evening planned :)
Today is a day of doing hair in my downstairs salon, grocery shopping, making phone calls, changing diapers, snuggling, dancing, playing hide and seek, and hopefully some of the above, later on ;) Pretty much the usual.
Here is what I'm wearing today. 
 I love this cozy sweater, and I was so excited to find this funky belt to wear with it. See how SPARKLY it is?? You know I love anything that sparkles. It's a little too big for me though. See how it's sitting a little low and slanted? If I tighten it enough to fit me, it rolls over the sequins instead of the leather. But I like it so much I wear it anyway.

And these are my favorite boots. I never paid so much for footwear but I wear these all the time and I just love them. I feel like they can make any outfit more trendy and sophisticated. Another pick of my hubby's. He likes to dress me, haha!
The headband is covered in bling too - of course, I made it after all. And the chunky blingy bracelet is from Pearls and Petals. If you want one, let me know in the comments or visit here. FYI, I am totally into bangles, cuffs and crosses right now, and it shows in my shop :)
What sort of fashion or accessories are you into now?