Thursday, December 10, 2009

I Can Dream...

Today was cold. Bitter cold. And windy. And snowy.

Two years ago we were in Hawaii, traveling around to all the islands.
Swimming in the ocean. Laying on the beach. Climbing to waterfalls and feeling the warm sun on
our faces. Eating our meals outside because it was always so gorgeous.

Kayaking. Riding a zodiac on the ocean and seeing whales 12 inches from our raft.
Hawaii was all I could think about today. If only 12 month olds enjoyed sitting quietly for 9 hour plane rides. One day we will return. One day we might never come back! Can you blame us???


  1. I'm dreaming with you!!! ;0) What's up with Jared's crooked glasses. LOL

  2. Oh to be in a warm sunny tropical place right now! What a great dream!!! Love love love the shot of the whale. I don't think I have seen pics from your trip. Please keep sharing!

  3. Oh, take me with you! I have friends stationed on Oahu right now, I'm so jealous of them. I was just remembering yesterday how long it has been since I've been to Hawaii, I think it's time to go back...

  4. Oh my goodness, Hawaii is so gorgeous. My parents went for their 25th anniversary, my husband lived there for 3 months, and I have never been! I see something wrong, something terribly wrong with this. Maybe one day!
