Saturday, January 16, 2010


I am so sad for the people of Haiti. Wasn't there enough devastation there before the earthquake? I was watching tv last night and they were covering what's been happening there over the last few days. They found a baby that had been trapped in the rubble for 3 DAYS, amazingly she is alive but has no one left to take care of her. There are so many stories like hers, of babies and little ones all alone now. No food. No water. No one to hug them and comfort them.
I wish I could go to Haiti and scoop up all those precious little ones and bring them home with me.
So sad....


  1. It would be cool to be able to "rescue" one of those kids and adopt them.

  2. I feel the same way... Thank you for sharing your heart.

  3. It is so sad.

    I came over from my sister's blog (Jill's Real Life). Your daughter is adorable and your jewelry is too.!

  4. I was just talking to my hubs about that. The munchkins are breaking my heart. I donated to UNICEF. In some small way, I hope that helps at least one kiddo!

  5. I hadn't heard about that baby... how heart-wrenching, but also what a miracle. Thanks for sharing this. It's a reminder that there are glimmers of hope and amazing stories among such devastation.

    p.s. Following you. :)
