Saturday, January 30, 2010

Flower Fun!

Hi, friends, happy Sunday. I hope you all are having a great weekend!
I have been trying to design lots of new items for my etsy shop. New jewelry, my new flower pins and hair accessories, and a combination of the two: flower jewelry! So I've been shopping for materials, and coming up with designs in my head. I have made several pieces but my sweet little girl is all about her mama these days so it's hard to get much done at one time. She always wants me to hold her - which I love, but that sure makes it difficult to sew!! Not that I'm complaining. There is nothing I would rather do than snuggle with my little angel.
Check out mama and baby with flowers in our hair!!

I LOVE this necklace! Isn't it fun??? So perfect for Valentine's Day!

Here are a few hand sewn fabric flowers.
(click the names for more info)
This is the one my little girl is wearing in the above picture :)
Crushed Velvet Flower
Victorian Satin Flower
Pretty much all the flowers I've put in my shop can be made into headbands, hair clips, bobby pins, barrettes, pins, or even baby hair clips (so cute!) I decided to leave the decision on what the flower will be up to the customer. Do you think that's a good idea??
I could use some input here. What do you think of the pieces, the pricing, how I've left the options open about whether they will be pins, clips, etc.??? I would love to hear your opinions/ideas!
This is something I'm really excited about. I love making jewelry and I love creating and designing totally unique things. But I think it's good to get criticism every now and then to make sure I'm getting it right! Thanks in advance!
These are a few I have not listed yet, do you like them?

Please leave me a comment or send me an email I'd really love to hear your thoughts!
(Also, if you would like to order multiple items, email me and I'll give you a discount!)


  1. I'm thinking I'm gonna have to get one of those flowers on a headband. I like the way you have the options. Kind of a pick-your-own set up. I'm in love with the frayed paisley flower and the other fabric one right below it. I think they would both make cute necklaces, too.
    I do have a question about the felt. Is that considered a Fall/Winter style or would you wear it Spring/Summer too? That might be a dumb question, but I'm no fashionista.
    I heart Bella Regali. ;)

  2. Steph, they're beautiful! I like the option plan. Or, how about selling some that are interchangeable, like, they can be part of a headband or a clip?

  3. That's kind of what I was thinking about the felt! You can go ahead and list it, I think I'll pick a flower that will go with my "lighter" spring/summer stuff. I hate to keep asking you all of these questions on your comments when I could just e-mail you, buuuut, do you recommend a certain size for wearing one on a headband? I mean, coming from your personal preferences and all - what do YOU do? Decisions, decisions. ;) I'll keep you posted. I think I've convinced myself that I can rock a flower on my head...I am a Flower after all. :P

  4. AHHH I can't wait until I have a girl so I can put big bows in her hair!!! We're having another ultrasound soon and if I found out 100% girl, I need a big pink bow for when we bring her home from the hospital. I'm hoping she'll have lots of hair just like the boys. You're so creative! and you've done a wonderful job!

  5. I think you should do both. Friends and family are more likely to tell you which one they prefer. But, other regular customers will want to browse and just buy. Not having to mess with communicating with the seller.

  6. I still can't believe we had the same idea:-) Love it!

  7. I love having options and I think everyone else will too! I love all the flowers and the pic of ya'll is so beautiful!

  8. Very pretty and that's such a great pic of the two of you:)
