Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snapshots of My Year

Since I am new to the world of blogging I thought it would be fun to post a few of my favorite pictures from the past year. This way you can get to know me a little better and see my highlights of 2009. Since we have our precious Isabella now, she is heavily featured in my photo collection :) I know you mama's out there understand.

*First Smiles
*Valentine's Day flowers from Daddy
*Gotta love babies in hoodies!
*Giving her mama birthday snuggles - my favorite!
*First Easter
*First flight and family vacation. We went to Myrtle Beach, SC.
*First time at the beach/ocean (don't be jealous of my hunky man)
*Getting to meet her great-grandparents! (This is one of my all time favorite pics)

*My first Mother's Day!!!!!!
*Our 5 year anniversary and 1st date night since having a baby!

*Hubby's 1st Father's Day!!

*Fun summer days spent in Chicago (The picture in my header was taken the same day - it's one of my favorite pics of the two of us!)
*Can't stand it, can you??

*We met up with old friends - we all had babies within months of each other!
*Family day at the apple orchard

*Yay, another date night!
*Halloween. Isn't she the cutest pink leopard?
*Our baby turned 1, how did that happen??
My itty bitty premie is a big girl now!
I made her a princess castle cake...
and Daddy helped blow out the candles.
*And to top it all last date night! (They are few and far between so we have to document them, haha.)
Oops! I meant to add just a few favorite pictures - instead you basically get a virtual scrapbook! Hope you enjoyed some snapshots from my year, thanks for reading!


  1. She's so photogenic. Those pictures thrill my heart, what a blessing and a joy to your family she is! I love the one of her lounging with her arms stretched out beside her.

  2. Love the pic of you three in the apple orchard, how cute! And I'm totally laughing about the date night pics, because I documented ours, too. ;) Thank for letting us peek into your world!

  3. I'm glad you did post all the pictures! I'm loving getting to "know" you. You are a BEAUTIFUL family!

  4. The first year is so magical isn't it? I can't believe our little dude just hit 18 mos!

  5. Oh she is adorable! And you can tell she already loves the camera :) Enjoy every moment--it goes by so fast! Wonderful to meet you!

  6. What a beautiful family! Wonderful pictures! She is a doll!

  7. wow what a cake!! great job mama! and ps i have that dress.. so cute! :) saw that you became a follower so i checked you out...loveeee your blog. and right now i'm putting together a feature about you to post on my blog. you are awesome. i'll send you a link when i'm done!
