Thursday, March 11, 2010

Free Friday?

I woke up today thinking it was Friday. I am pretty sick still, so I am going to blame it on that.
My man has to work this weekend, and the baby and I are sick, so I just wanted a nice quiet weekend at home. But, now we have more showings of our house booked. So now I must clean again and drive around with my dog and daughter for an hour while they come through.
I shouldn't complain. I am glad we are having so many showings, but why do they always want to come during nap time? Don't they know?
You know when you're a kid and you get sick, and you can just lay on the couch in your jammies all day watching movies and eating soup? Life just stops. You don't have to worry about anything.
I want to be a kid again. Just until I feel better. Ok?
Now remember how I thought today was Friday? Well, I was going to have a FREE SHIPPING FRIDAY on everything in my shop. Good idea right?
But it's not Friday. It's Thursday. I hate when that happens.
But because I really like you guys, and because I'm too sick to care that it's not actually Friday, I am doing it anyway. Free shipping Friday on Thursday! See, even my sales are one of a kind!
Everything at Bella Regali will ship for free until tomorrow (the real Friday) at 11:59 pm.
There are so many new baubles added just yesterday, like these:
(Please remember that I am sick. I know I look awful in the pictures. Just look at the jewelry, not me.)

I hope you all get a chance to snatch something up with free shipping!
Happy Friday! (or something like that)


  1. Lovely things, and I adore that ring.I hope you get feeling better and you dont have to drive around for hours and hours LOL.Good Luck and take care!~~Becky

  2. You don't look sick at all photograph very well for being under the weather, what's your trick?! And the necklaces are lovely!!

  3. Steph- You look great! You don't "look" sick. :) Hope you and Bella feel better soon....

  4. What are you talking about!?! If I had to be sick in order to look as good as you I totally would! ; ). Love the new jewels!

  5. Love all those necklaces! And might I add how beautiful your hair looks! Hope you are having a wonderful week!

  6. well, of course i love the jewelry... but i also love your hair. and then i remembered... oh yeah, you're a hairstylist... no wonder why it looks so amazing! so sorry you are still sick! hoping you can make some time to rest in between the showings.

  7. You look gorgeous! Not sick at all :)
    I love when you use stones in necklaces.
    We can pretend it's Friday, two Fridays in a row might be nice!

  8. That first necklace is just darling! I love it!

  9. Wow...that is how you look when you are sick?! You look lovely!

    Beautiful necklaces. I have to go browse a little tonight!

  10. you're sick? Totally don't look like it! Get well soon!!

  11. Aw, I'm sorry you're sick girl. I was sick a couple weeks ago and I understand the feeling of not getting to just be sick. I hope your showings are profitable, and you and little lady are on the mend.
    The jewelry is stunning, I love it when you post them! Now I have to go look...:)

  12. Dear Gorgeous...when I am sick I look like death warmed over. Under a heat lamp. With an extra side of grease. I will try not to hate you since I adore you so much.

  13. PLEASE!!! Can I PLEASE look like your "sick" when I am well??? Goodness girl, you are gorgeous! Day before yesterday, my eyes were so swollen I could have gone for the lead role in Avatar, or been asked who botched my botox. LOL! You jewelry is wonderful! I especially love the second one, the first one you are wearing. It is beautiful!!!

  14. Ummm... you look like THAT when you're sick!? Not fair! Love the jewelry though! and you're beautiful!

  15. Um, you totally don't look sick. Your sick days are better than my good days! I'm sorry you feel so crummy and people totally don't understand naps!!!

  16. I agree, if you look that good sick then WOW!! :) Does your hair naturally wave like that? I've been curling mine, it's so straight. Wish i was closer so I could have you give me a makeover!

  17. OH MY!!! I LOVE YOUR STUFF!!! I will have to make an order with you for sure!!!Thanks for being a new heading over right now to your side bar.and follwoin you right back;)

  18. how much is the gold flowered one and green pearls..........I WANT IT!!!!!

  19. I am a new follower to your blog!I am going to check out your jewelry :>))

  20. Hi - I am following you now. I figured it out! thank you. Kinda new to this blogging. I love your jewelry! My favorite is the black and pearl necklace.

  21. again, thank you for telling me about the ADD button. I have a few blogs that I follow that don't have FOLLOW buttons. I usually just have to keep checking to see if they have updated. Now I know how to ADD them to my dashboard. :>)

  22. just found your blog and isabella hope is SUCH a doll!
    your jewellery is beautiful too, and i have to agree with your hair is spectacular.
    new follower!
    love following moms!
    much love...xoxo

  23. Hi Stephanie. I received my necklace (black and white delight) and wore it to work Friday! I actually pinned the flowers to the shirt I was wearing (old navy black long sleeved shirt) and got so many compliments on my "blouse"! People actually thought the necklace was part of the shirt. It looked so cute! I love it! Thanks! My two little ones love the flower hairbows, too! Have a great day! I will be back to the store!

  24. just wanted to thank you for stopping by and following my blog! means a lot!

  25. poor thing! hope you feel better soon.

    i used to dread having to show our house
    with five kids. it was impossible to keep
    it up.

    such a relief when it sold.

    hope yours sells soon too.

    lovely jewelry!

  26. ohhh i'm so sorry you guys ended up being that sick!!! that's no fun..but girl...if you look like that while being sick THAT is no fair. haha. love your stuff!! and aren't daddy's the best when they take care of everyone?? ben is awesome about stepping in when the nausea of morning sickness takes over! luckily those days are becoming less and less.
