Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Things I am thankful for today:
1. We had another showing and it wasn't during nap time.
2. Since it was so warm and sunny, I took Isabella and the dog to the park instead of driving around during the showing.
3. Even though I have another migraine, I know it won't last forever. Thank goodness!
4. People change and disappoint me, but God will never change!
5. I can pray anywhere, anytime, and I know that God hears me.
6. His mercies are new every morning!!
7. I am thankful that easter means way more than a bunny and some chocolate.
8. Chocolate :)
9. Kisses and hugs from my little sweetie.
10. My faithful, loving husband.
11. People who are genuine and truthful.
12. Did I mention the warm sunny day??
What are you thankful for?


  1. I am thankful too for the warm and sunny day today!

  2. The sunny day, chocolate, and my husband are all wonderful things :) Great list!

  3. so sweet stephanie! i'm super sorry to hear that you have a migraine. you better take good care of yourself! thank the Lord for #'s 4, 5, 6, & 7 (& 8 - he he!)! oh and #10 - what a blessing it is to have a husband that is ever so faithful! that is what i'm thanking God for today!

  4. What a great post! I love hearing what people are grateful for. It makes me think about what i'm grateful for!

  5. I love 'em all! I'm thankful for good days, and ones where I feel like a real human being.

  6. sunny days, chocolate, kisses.. this list is WONDERFUL!!
    what a wonderful post! its always so good to remember what you are thankful for!

  7. I love your list! I am thankful for warm weather, and #8 as well... :)

  8. Cadbury eggs, sunshine, my kids, new scrapbook supplies, great friends, good health, and weekends away with my husband just to name a few! ;-)

  9. Stephanie,

    I am thankful for sunny days, cool new blog buddies (such as yourself), loving husband and health!


  10. Aren't sunny days outside wonderful? They take all the gloom of the winter and make you forget it.
    (I've been helping the easter bunny with easter chocolate for a couple of weeks now, I love making baskets.)
    Our new church has a sunrise easter service. I haven't been to one in years - I'm so excited!

  11. I love that His mercies are new every morning!

  12. That it's Friday and we have two whole days with my amazing hubbie to come- woohoo!

  13. I am certainly VERY thankful that God is unchangeable! I have been meditating on this the past few days! Things change, ppl disappoint you but God is faithful, true and unchanging! PTL!

  14. Thankful for sufficient grace--for both the matters of the heart amidst the craziness of everyday. :) I can barely balance both, I'm glad my God can.
    Loved your thankful things.
    Give thanks to the Lord, for He. Is. Good. :)

  15. That was a great list!
    I am so grateful for the warmer, sunnier weather!

  16. Wonderful things. It's amazing how gratitude changes your outlook, isn't it!!

  17. Great list Mama! So glad spring is on it's way!

  18. What a wonderful list! I am thankful that my Joy comes from God Above and He is my strength in trials! Thanks for a great post! I am your newest follower from Friday Follows! Have a wonderful weekend!

  19. Love your blog! and yes God never changes whoo hoo!! =)

  20. I'm a migraine sufferer too. I have learned to take a Ibuprofen as soon as it starts instead of a wait-and-see if it will be a full-blown migraine approach. Lights off and complete quiet. I discovered mine were related to my hormonal cycle and stopped BC pills years ago which diminished the frequency tremendously. I saw you on Trendy Treehouse's MckLinky for Follow Friday. Please visit my blog when you get a chance.

  21. I WAS thankful for warm weather until we got blessed with additional snow! I too feel like people have let me down recently and it is so hard to trust again once that happens, but I'm so glad for Jesus!
