Thursday, March 4, 2010

What Really Matters

Have you ever had one on those days?
Me too.
Actually, it's been more like one of those months.
I am trying really hard not to focus on the things that are bothering me.
That's hard.
I keep asking myself, "what really matters?"
And those are the things that deserve my attention.

Like spending time in God's word.

Cherishing every minute with my daughter.

Being the best wife I can be to my awesome husband.

Making sure that when all is said and done, my Father can say to me "Well done."

Because in the end nothing else really matters.


  1. Lovely blog Stephanie, so very true.If we all had that idea and didnt get sidetracked from the anquishes of life these days it would be a lovelier place.~~Becky

  2. amen... i'm doing beth moore's "daniel study" and am becoming aware of how self-indulgent i am and self obsessed too. it's pretty disgusting. thank God for His grace. yes, i've certainly been thinking these same thoughts you have. so important to keep the 1st things 1st.

  3. Well said! Great post!


  4. Those words are so true. I'm sorry you're having a rough month.

    P.S. I have on my earrings from Bella Regali again today and still love them just as much as ever!

  5. Yes, it's been one of those months for me. :( Have you ever heard "The Desert Song" by Hillsong United. "This is my song in the battle / in weakness or trial or pain / I am a conqueror and co-heir with Christ / so firm on His promise I stand / I will bring praise / no weapon formed against me shall remain..."
    So good. You can watch the video/testimony on YouTube, and I have it on my blog playlist.

    I found your blog via LeAnna at Thoughts n Whatnots. :) May you be blessed with grace and peace as you lift your eyes to where your help comes from. --Jen

  6. I'm having one of those months, as well. Sometimes I want to yell to God, "I need a break! Throw me some sunshine and some happiness!" It's been a long winter.

  7. ugh. i totally get you. we're prioritizing again, too.
    (and i like that couch! :) haha)

  8. I think you're pretty awesome, if that helps at all!

  9. February sucks for me (every year!) but this year we managed a vay-cay to Hawaii...what a difference it makes seeing the sunshine! I think this time of year is difficult for a lot of people...
    Being present to your baby, hubby and everything else that you value can be hard sometimes. Roll with're probably doing a better job then you give yourself credit for!!!! Here's to March being a MUCH better month!

  10. I have had those days, weeks, months...yes! Letting myself get bothered by the things in life that really just do not matter. I tend to let people grate me the wrong way when it's just silly, dumb stuff. It's so much better when you step back, get in the Word, and let the Holy Spirit work. Easier said than done, like with most things, but God is good. He finishes what he starts in us. :)

  11. yes I have to remind myself daily waht really matters!

  12. Less of me, more of Him. I forget that when I get grumpy.

  13. You can't be having one of those months yet!!! It's only the 4th. One thing that Q has helped me understand is the power of words. Try not to say things like THIS month is TERRIBLE, say something like the remaining of this month is going to be wonderful. I know, it sounds cheesy but it matters. I'm going to try to wake up earlier, like before Gooner gets up, so that I can spend time in the words BEFORE greeting her. A calm heart equals a calm Mommy. I love the photo!

  14. What a beautiful photo!

  15. You have it right. May the Lord fill your heart with peace, lift your spirits as you look into His Face, and sing hymns of praise to Him, and make you truly thankful and trusting in Him, as you commit your everything to Him with thanks. Phil. 4:6-8
    6Be careful (worried, anxious, fretting) for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with *thanksgiving* let your requests be made known unto God.
    7And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. 8Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
    I'm praying for you,
    Wendy @ Faith's Firm Foundation

  16. So true...I think in the end...the question that really matters is.."Have I loved well"!

  17. Hi! I'm visiting from MBC. Love your blog.

  18. La, I meant the past month has ben hard. Not March specifically. I'm going to be optimistic about the month ahead :)
    Thanks all, for the encouraging words :)

  19. she's a dolly.

    Hi, am following from Friday Follow. Have a nice weekend, please come by sometimes.

  20. Oh the words "Well done, my child" I think that is what really matters!!
    Found you and your lovely blog through FF, can't wait to see what else you write about!

  21. I've had a case of the blues lately, too. I'm counting on spring weather to fix everything!

  22. Your daughter is beautiful! I'm here from Friday Follow. I love the blog design, and I can really resonate with this post. I'm going through the same thing right now. Well, minus the daughter-husband part, because I'm not married or have a child, but I understand your concept. I can empathize. Hope you have a good weekend. :)
