Sunday, May 16, 2010

Miscellany Monday

I have decided to jump in and join Carissa in Miscellany Monday.

1. As many of you know, our house is on the market, and we have been having tons of showings which is great, but I am running out of things to do during the hour we have to be out of the house. Usually we go to the park but last time it was pouring rain, so me and Bella went to a store to kill some time. Too bad killing time cost me $100 in unnecessary items.

2.I think I have a disease. I swear every time I eat a super unhealthy meal, followed by a dessert that probably contains 2000 calories, I lose weight. Ever since I had my daughter my body seems to be working backwards. I lost 4lbs this weekend. Don't hate me - remember I probably have a disease. I bet if I ate nothing but salad I'd gain 10lbs.

3. I am obsessed with vacuuming. I hated it when I lived with my parents and now I just have to vacuum. Like everyday. I LOVE having a clean house. It makes me feel so much better.

4. My husband discovered a British sit com a few months ago, and now he's got me hooked too! It's called The IT Crowd. Hilarious. Watch it.

5. I heard the song Kokomo by the Beach Boys a while ago and I felt like I was in kindergarten again. It was my all time favorite song. That's saying a lot for a 5 year old.


  1. Hi Stephanie! Nice to meet you :-) Thanks for stopping by Windy Poplars to say hello today.~ I know what you mean about eating badly and loosing weight - I always expect to come back from vacation 5 lbs heavier, but that is rarely the case. But everyday living and I gain? What's up with that??! I like to vacuum a lot too (not necessarily the activity, but the result). It brings me peace to see clean floors.- Look forward to getting to know you more! ~Kristin from Windy Poplars

  2. i'm loving all of your random!!! thanks so much for joining in! i'm super excited to have you. i can imagine it being tough to get up and go for an hour out of the blue. but hey, having a good excuse to spend moolah isn't all that bad. : ) i'm jealous of your #2... but i do hope it's no disease... although i am losing weight too... and i'm pregnant. what in the world?!? i love kokomo!!! happy monday!

  3. Your miscellany cracked me up! Kokomo so makes me all giddy too that's so funny! Um yay for loosing weight when eating dessert....that is awesome!
    Would you come vacuum my house LOL...
    Have to watch that sitcom sounds fun
    Have a great day
    Your new bloggy looks is fab BTW

  4. you should definitely use #2 to your advantage big time!!!

  5. Your blog header is terribly sweet. You're welcome to come to Memphis and vacuum anytime. I'll even provide the vacuum! ;)

    I enjoyed reading your randomness today. Blessings!

  6. Omgoddness...Kindergarten!! I was in Junior High when I heard that song..I.feel.old.

  7. Kindergarten - for real??? I feel old... And, I do think I'm gonna have to dislike you a little for losing weight when you eat too much. That would be my dream. Sigh...

  8. Great post~ and I'm totally jealous of your 'disease'. my husband has the same one: he could live on ding-dongs and fruity pebbles and lose weight, and I eat salad and hardly lose at all. I can also totally identify with your vacuuming obsession- I clean every day and can't stand it otherwise. Have a great day!

  9. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I also love love love to vacuum. It helps that I have the dyson ball vacuum. It's so great. I love that I can see everything that gets sucked up too.

  10. LOL I wish I had that weight loosing problem. Thanks for sharing. Coming over from Miscellany Monday!



  11. I lost quite a bit of weight after Averie, too. Unfortunately, it came from places I couldn't afford to lose it, ha ha!

  12. It cracks me up that you mentioned the song Kokomo because when I was in, maybe the 1st grade, I heard that song for the first time while I was up in my room. I "taped" it and totally wore it out. You just brought back a really old memory.

  13. Aruba, Jamaica, OOOooo I want to take ya...

    Love Kokomo. Love it. Brings back memories.

    And, lol, I love to vacuum as well. It's kind of a mini obsession. I like seeing all the stuff that I pick up that's no longer on my floor.

    Thanks for your comment on my blog. Yours is wonderful....!

  14. hi! thanks for stopping by :)
    umm, wether #2 is a disease or not, i'm jealous! :) and who doesn't love kokomo??!-it's like the ultimate summer song :)
    nice to 'meet' you!

  15. What. You love vacuuming? Come over tomorrow. Please???? :) --huge smiles--
    I'll make....chocolate pudding for you. It's really good. And...whatever else you see on my blog that you think is yummy.
    Good deal? ;)
    I love your miscellany!

  16. i totally loved the beach boys in kindergarten as well. too funny!

  17. Love your randoms! So crazy that you can lose weight eating junk food... hopefully the same will happen to me when little boy joins the world :)

  18. Cute post and love the new layout! I wish I could eat fried foods and dessert and lose weight, I usually just end up with a stomach ache! :)

  19. kokomo? beach boys? what's that? :) just kidding!! hahaa.

    will definitely be looking up the it crowd. we love british sitcoms.

    have a good week! :)

  20. I liked your miscellany monday!

    I hope you don't have a disease though! Though no complaints with eating whatever and it going in reverse haha.

    Have a great weekend!! :)

  21. Hi Stephanie! Thank you SO much for starting to follow my blog. So awesome that you're a hair stylist. We should talk about the Cosmetology world some time. :) Blessings to you, friend. That's a beautiful baby girl you got there, btw.

    -Nat (Pure Heart)

  22. OMG- Kokomo was my all time fave song back then too! I use to go to bed replaying it over and over and over again until I fell asleep-LOL! How fun!

  23. I love random stuff, I'm glad you joined MiscMonday! :)
    I'm jealous of your disease, and I would like it. Shot? Contact? Sneeze on me maybe? :D

  24. You're welcome to come vacuum at my house. HA!

  25. hi stephanie! i just ran across your blog via domesticaed-bliss and wanted to let you know that i love your background! also... your daughter is SUPER cute!!

  26. Following back! Thanks for visiting my blog!
