Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ramblings and FREEBIES!!

Guess what?
When I got up this morning I found out I was featured on 2 blogs today for my chocolate peanut butter cups!! So fun! Who says you need a recipe to bake??
Today I was making a pair of earrings for someone and when I was finished, I hung them on the gong we have on our kitchen table to see how they looked. I had to take a picture because I noticed that it looked like something. Do you see it?

Totally looks like an owl, right? Ha!

This is the what I made for my dad on Father's day.

Boston Creme Pie is his favorite. Usually it is frosted only on top, but my theory is if some chocolate is good, more is better! So I frosted the whole thing :)
The frosting I make is the yummiest (if I can be so bold). Every time I make a cake my man always requests this frosting. It's so rich but it's not heavy. It practically drips down the cake.
I'll never understand using frosting from a can. Or making frosting with anything other than butter. You want it to taste good, right?
I made these for my honey.

He occasionally buys me those edible arrangement and then steals all the chocolate covered apples and bananas!
So I made a platter of my version of his faves just for him, filled with dark chocolate apples, chocolate/cinnamon apples, and white chocolate/dark chocolate swirl bananas.

He was pretty happy :)

Now for a little treat for you!

I am offering a huge deal at Pearls and Petals!

All necklaces are BOGO 1/2 off and everything else is BOGO FREE!!!!!!

Yeah, I said FREE
Get yours while you still can! There's only one of each!

(Just make your purchases and I will refund the cost of your 1/2 off or free items. Or if you prefer, email me and let me know what you want and I will reserve them for you and mark them down for you before you pay. )


  1. I am going to try the peanut butter recipe too! I printed it out~

  2. Those earrings are darling... n I totally see the owl. THE CHOCOLATE cake.. yum... seriously my mouth is dancing! HA! Jenn

  3. The earings are so cute and the picture is adorable. Chocolate apples and bananas sound so good and they look yummy. Congrats on being featured too.

  4. Okay, YUM! I didn't see the owl until you typed it. But I totally see it now. I'm so gonna head over to your Etsy shops. Awesome deal! Thanks!

  5. Yummy!!! The Boston Creme Pie looks fabulous !!! I am admiring the Pearls and Petals necklace you have posted pictures of !!! They are beautiful !!

  6. I love love Boston creme pie and that one looks delicious! Following back from Social Parade. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  7. Hi Stephanie! Yes, I totally saw the owl! How funny that you weren't planning that! Looks like you've been up to some beautiful creations in your shop - I need to spend some time browsing around there... Love the idea of your chocolate covered fruit. My hubby would be thrilled if I surprised him with that! Storing that idea away for future reference.~ I hope you're hanging in there - keeping busy and productive sounds like a good plan. I know we just met right before your ordeal, and then you took a break from blogging, but I really would still like to get to know you better.~ Hope you have a lovely weekend! ~Kristin from Windy Poplars

  8. I am visiting from New Friend Friday and I love chocolate. Your blog has made me hungry. Your dad and husband are very lucky. Yep, the earrings and holder look just like an owl.

  9. Oh yum, looks delicious!! Love the earrings too.

  10. Yummy!! I am your newest follower! I look forward to reading more of your blog!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. Found you on the blog hop, that earing owl made me smile! Love me some eye candy! I agree on the icing! My husband's family claims they PREFER canned to homemade! Seriously?! Your icing looks kinda shiny like ganache, I might have to try it out:)

  12. love the new look :) and i'll be honest. i have never ever made a homemade icing. yikes! can we still be friends? :) haha i will have to get your recipeish sometime.

  13. Following you back! I am in love with your desserts. I think I might love you already! Thanks for linking up with me!

  14. It all looks great.....the earrings and the chocolate.
    Nice to meet you!
    Have a great weekend.

  15. I'm passing on an award to you!! :o)
    Please visit here: to receive it!!

    Stephani @ Home Sweet Farm

  16. I am already following you! Those treats above look delicious! I like what you said in your about me paragraph about trying to live a life centered around what really matters! have a great day! Hope to see you around the Hen House!

    Mama Hen

  17. You know, I don't think I've ever had Boston Cream Pie!

  18. I have always wanted to try to make a good Boston Cream Pie. I used to have a recipe for it but my hubby said it was not like the ones he remembered.
    I see the owl. Very cute. :)

  19. You apparently don't actually eat any of your own chocolate creations (based on your pictures and the size of your waist!) I gained 5 pounds just LOOKING AT THE PHOTOS!! I do so love chocolate. Your husband is a lucky man:) (In more ways than just your cooking, I'm sure) Love the earrings, too, Steph. And cool, how it looked like an owl!

  20. I've never tried dipping apples in chocolate like that. It looks soooo good! I bet my kids would like it, too.

    If you ever get a chance (and if you are willing to share), can I get a copy of your cake recipe? I'm always on the look out for good recipes and I don't have one yet for chocolate cake or chocolate frosting. =)

  21. Yummy! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!

  22. How funny, it does look like an owl.

    Chocolate is always good!

    Thanks for socializing with me Monday til Sunday.

    Hope to see you this week!
