Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ready For Change

I want to change so many things in my life right now.
I know that His ways are higher than my ways, and His plans are greater than I can imagine.
So I am trying to be still.... and trust.
But one thing I can change is my hair!
And because I am a hairstylist, I always have color on hand and can change it up whenever the mood strikes me!
Which is often.
Yesterday I took the plunge and said goodbye to my blonde hair.
Ever the mad scientist, I mixed up about 6 different colors to get the perfect shade of.......

Well, you'll just have to wait and see ;)


  1. I read a study once that said that when a woman makes a big change to her hair style she is ready to make big changes in her life. :)

  2. OOOOOH! I can't wait to see! I wish you lived close to me so you could do my hair. My current hair dresser gave me orange stripes which she tried to pull off as caramel highlights. Not sexy fo sho!

  3. I can't wait to see !!! Exciting !!!

  4. Did you say you were blond? I thought you were brunette? I can't wait to see the new you! Red????

  5. I can't wait to see what it looks like!

  6. How fun! I've been getting bored with my hair and am trying to decide whether to go for a bold color or just short.

  7. bleach blonde? :) Hope everything is wonderful for you this summer. . .been thinking about you!

  8. I found you via blog hop.

    I am trying not to follow tooooo many cause I really want to be "friends" and get to know everyone. I will tell you, I choose to follow you b/c your faith speaks volumes and I LOVE IT!!

    Please come see me:)
