Monday, July 12, 2010

You Asked, I'm Answering!

This is Part 2 to my Q&A posts. You asked so many questions, I had to break it up into separate posts (for the sake of saving you from complete boredom).

Hilary Lane said...

If you could have any job in the world (outside of the home) regardless of the money (and of course you'd still get to spend as much time with the sweet babe as you do now) what would you do?

This one is tough. I actually really love what I do now, but if I were to do something else..... I always wanted to be a doctor, and for a long time I've considered going back to school to become a medical diagnostic sonography tech. I am fascinated by medicine and the miracle of the human body. And on the complete other end of the spectrum, I kind of wish I took advantage of some opportunities and gone into modeling. I have had several offers and opportunities, but I am so shy and I always get too nervous to go through with it! I do think it would be fun though ;)

Chantel and Michael Magistro said...

whats your favorite book?

The Catcher in The Rye. This is very "un-Steph-like" as my man would say, but I love this book. I've read it so many times. Usually I prefer to read non fiction, especially memoirs, but this book is an exception.
What's your least favorite chore?

Cleaning toilets. YUCK!
What's your favorite chore?

You all know I love to vacuum! :)
What music do you like?

I like a ton of different kinds of music, but a few of my current favorites are Ingrid Michaelson, Over the Rhine, old Caedmon's Call, Owl City, and Stevie Wonder just to name a few.
What shows do you like?

I am loving the documentary Boston Med (shocker), Grey's Anatomy, How I Met Your Mother, Say Yes to the Dress, The IT Crowd. Not a whole lot of good stuff on tv.
How did you decide on Isabella's name?

I always loved the name Isabella. When I was a kid I didn't know of anyone with that name, but of course the year we finally have a baby, it's one of the most popular names! Oh well, we love it. And we chose Hope as her middle name because through all of our struggles in trying to have her, we always kept hope in the Lord that He would one day bless us with a baby. We are so thankful for her!!
What was your wedding/reception like?

We got married outside in a gazebo in a beautiful garden by a pond on a warm day in May. It was perfect. I cried, and Jared wiped my tears. He's the sweetest :) One day I will have to post some pictures!

LeAnna said...

Beka snagged my first question! Curious how you and the Hubs met. So, my next question would be:

Did you always want to be a cosmetologist, or did you have other "when I grow up" aspirations?


What is something God is teaching you right now, even in the midst of pain and heartache?

Ok, well I already answered the first 2 questions. What is something God is teaching me right now?? He is teaching me a lot. I don't want to get too personal, but one thing I am learning is the power of prayer. (And I am so thankful for those who faithfully pray for me!) Also, I am learning to trust more. I do not trust people for the plain and simple reason that they cannot be trusted! (Well, it's true.) But I am learning to let people in, and I am learning to trust in God's plan even though I cannot understand the means sometimes....

♥ Noelle ♥ said...

How do you always manage to look SO BEAUTIFUL????

Bahahahaha! Thanks, Noelle :)

Well, there are still several questions left. Do you guys want me to answer any more or have you had about enough of me??


  1. I'm definitely enjoying your answers, and would love to know the rest--though you were very much SHOWERED with inquisitiveness! :)

  2. I am following you from Mailbox Monday.

    I am also having an APRON GIVEAWAY going on. I will be having an Apron Giveaway once a month.

    Please stop over and follow me back and enter the giveaway. Thanks Terry

  3. I love reading answers!! And thanks for answering mine!! I'd love to be a doctor - if only it weren't for all that darn blood!

  4. Thanks for asking my questions! :-) I'm having fun reading them

  5. Cute! I left you a blog award on my blog!
