Monday, August 9, 2010

Cupcakes? Yes, Please!

This weekend my Aunt and Uncle and two of my cousins came to visit us. They are possibly the sweetest people ever, and I was so happy to see them again!

Being the designated family baker, I made more than a few sweet treats for our gatherings together, and this is one I thought I'd share with you!
Who doesn't like a good cupcake??
And who better to try out my new concoction than family, right? (They make the best guinea pigs.)
I introduce to you, my very own,
Over the Top Cupcakes
(They got their name from my sweet aunt who was still talking about them days later!)
They started out combining my hubby's favorite devil's food cake "recipe" with a yummy fudge cake "recipe".
(If you are wondering why I'm using quotations around words like "recipe", you must be new here. Welcome! My name is Stephanie and I have an inability to use recipes. I much prefer to invent my own - it's more fun that way!)

Then, because I wanted to do something different, I whipped up some scrumptious vanilla creme, and filled the center of each cupcake

Now, because they weren't decadent enough, I topped them with a combo of my chocolate fudge frosting and rich chocolate ganache! This right here is the reason to eat these cupcakes - yum!!!

Finish them off with some sprinkles and enjoy!


  1. Your cupcakes both look and sound delicious!

    Dropping in from Making Friends Monday as a new follower!

  2. wow. i'm putting these on the to-do list immediately. thanks for sharing.

  3. MAJOR SIN! but yumo... I would be all over those. Thanks for linking Jenn

  4. Oh my im salavating here,lol.They look so good.Thats all I would eat on the day I made them,just two and nothing else til the next day, hah.

    Your jewlery is simple so gorgeous.I love your style, I love your color choices.

  5. OMGoodness! 'They are to die for' looking! I can only imagine biting into one! Oh well, I'll just dream a little dream about em'! :) Thanks for sharing, I'm sure everyone enjoyed them 'ALL' to the last yummy bite! Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs

  6. OH YUM! those cupcakes look so great!!!

  7. Thank you..
    Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and join Follow Me MOnday.
    I truly value you and your time. I hope you will stop back often as I will do the same.
    Have a nice day. (I'm your follower)
    Quality Time

  8. Ummmmmm I would like to know where the recipe is?????

  9. I haven't had cupcakes in forever, and these look divine!

    I am a new FMBT follower!
    Would love if you would visit me at my blog!

    Critique of the Unique

  10. Those look incredible! I love a cupcake with a surprise center:)

  11. I have cupcakes to make this weekend. I love the way the icing forms a little pillow on the top! Visiting from the Mad Skills party.

  12. Ok, I'm a big fan of cupcakes, and this post is making me crave one big time. AND, I love the picture of you and your little girl on your header! Found you through Chantel's Small Treasure Tuesdays, and wanted to say hi!

  13. Are we going to see you on Cupcake Wars now! Yummy! Thanks for linking to Tickled Pink a couple weeks ago...I took a little (unexpected break) but I am back!

  14. Oh Yum! Love your blog! And wow- your jewelry is amazing! If you are ever interested in doing a review/giveaway, we would love to feature your company on our blog!

    Just wanted to say THANK YOU for participating in this week's WELCOME WEDNESDAY Blog Hop! We hope to see you weekly! We are so happy to be following your blog and can't wait to read more! You can help spread the word about our great event by grabbing our button!

    Take It From Me

  15. YUMMMM That's all I have to say about that!!! :D
    I'm loving your blog and I'm so excited to be your newest follower! I would also like to invite you to my link party/giveaway every Friday at FrouFrouDecor! I love new friends and hope to see you there!
    ~Terrell @ FFD~

  16. Wow...that looks delicious^^ I love cupcakes.

    Stopping by from Follow Me Friday!
    Have a nice weekend.


  17. Hi. I am a new follower from Friendly Friday. I love your blog title. That is one of my favorite verses. I will be back!

  18. OMG! those cupcakes look amazing!

  19. Absolutely divine!! What a perfect cupcake.

    Thanks for linking up on Crafty Friday!

  20. I'm very tempted to make these indulgent, sugary cupcakes for work on Monday. Is it wrong to bring something like this to a dental office?? ;)

  21. Those sound like they are to die for! Yum - where is the recipe girlfriend? I know, you are being thoughtful and trying to keep me slim, right?

    Thanks for planting your creative seeds at Plant a Punkin Seed Party!

    Punkin Seed Productions

  22. Drool, Cupcakes are my weakness.

  23. These cupcakes look delish!!! Im a sucker for a good chocolate cupcake. Thanks for linking up!
