Monday, November 22, 2010

The Happiness of Turning 2: Part 1

Last week our favorite little girl turned 2! I cannot believe how fast these years have gone by. I try to soak up every second with her, but it is flying by!
We though it would be really fun to bring her into the city for a day at the aquarium.
We were right.
Isabella was dancing and squealing with delight at every turn! It is so wonderful to see her light up and be filled with joy and awe as she learns and discovers new things.
We saw sharks...
...she loved them!!
She got to pet a Blue Tongued Skink....
....and Sea Stars!

She pretended to be a penguin and went down the "ice slides" with Daddy.
We saw super cool jellyfish!
We had to take a picture of this sign. I thought it was so funny "Misunderstanding DOOM Sharks"
This lizard was just hanging out in the water.
We had a blast together, but all that excitement is tiring.
She has not stopped talking about petting the skink and the sea stars. And every 5 minutes she tells me about the sharks and fishies, and "big guys" (that's what we called the ginormous fish). I love that she had so much fun - we all did. It was a great family day, and just the beginning of a week long celebration of our sweet birthday girl!


  1. The picture of her watching the sharks us the best ever! Can't believe she's 2 already, she's a beautiful little girl.

  2. Yay! That sounds like such a fun birthday! The adventures are so much fun as they get older! I can't believe it!

  3. Aww, it sounds like a great time! I know what you mean about time flying by.. I feel the same with our son. He will be three in a few months -I'm not ready! I hope you have a very special week celebrating your girl! :)

  4. What a fun birthday adventure! Two is a good year. :)


  5. Wow - looks like a wonderful birthday! God bless you all!

  6. Happy Birthday little Bella! So fun!!!

    And I LOVE your new background!!
