Friday, January 21, 2011

I Need Your Help....Again!

You didn't know I was this indecisive, huh?
I can't make a decision to save my life. So I am calling upon my blog friends for some help!
I decided it's high time my blog had a button, so I finally sat down and made one. I mean two...errr five. Now I can't decide which one is best for my blog.
So here they are:

Cast your votes now!
 Let me know which one is your favorite.
 I sure hope you're all more decisive than me! :)

Pin It!


Kimberly said...

I like #3!~

Anonymous said...

I like them all but I think 3 and 5 are my favorites!

Matthew & Rachel Hughes said...

i like the cupcake one

Tea said...

#2 is my favorite(!!!), but I also like #3. :)

Unknown said...

number 3....its the cupcake that just catches the eye you know?

hi, new follower on your fb as well as your blog!
would love it if you visited my site!

BARBIE said...

I vote for #2 or #3.

Michelle said...

I like the violets. Beautiful!

Tiffany said...

I love number two!

Aimee said...

#3- it has your blog name and slogan. It's easy to read and simple. It also was the first to catch my eyes and that's what you want!
New follower from the w/e hop- return the love @

p.s.- wonderful blog!

Unknown said...

3 for sure. It's cute, it's eye catching and it is not hard to read. good job.
(Following you)

Galit Breen said...

They're all adorable, but #3 is pure fab. The cupcake! The candle! The pink! Perfect! :)

Stacy's Snippets said...

I like #1. And #3. And #2. Oh shoot! :)

Ok fine, I like #5 the best. The picture would make me want to click on it. And by click on it, I mean will you please make that cheesecake and mail it to me? I'm pretty sure you have my address still!

♥ Noelle ♥ said...

hey doll! blog header is super cute! i like buitton #3 the best:)

Paula@SweetPea said...

I vote for 3.

Kirsty Girl said...

2nd absolutely! I love it! :D

Anonymous said...

2 & 3 aremmy favorites!

Now following from
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Tracy said...

They are all cute, but number three jumped out at me! Hope my pick wins.. :)

Miriam said...

They're all cute! I think I like #3 the best :). Have a beautiful day! Miriam@Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters