Monday, January 24, 2011

They're Finally Here!

Thanks so much for all the great feedback! What would I do without your help?? :)
The overwhelming response was #3
with #2 coming in a close second

I have decided to use them both! 
I would be honored if you would like to display one on your blog! 
Take your pick :)
If you enjoy reading my blog, (even if you are a silent lurker who never comments) please take a button - you'll make my day! ;)

Thanks, sweet friends!

PS: Be sure to check out Pearls and Petals - I am giving away $5 to anyone who wants it! See here for the scoop! Just a little treat from me to you :)


  1. Hi stephanie, I picked the cupcake and put it on my sidebar 8)

  2. Yay! I took the #2 button. Love it!!! ♥

  3. I've been meaning to leave a review for you and I JUST did! I'm sorry that it took me forever. You are so wonderful to work with!

  4. I've added the 2nd one to my scrolling button sidebar!

  5. Added one to our Blog. Thanks for the support for our new Blog! I'm going to try and upload some pictures of Abby and her cute custom-made bow.

  6. The cupcake one is really cute!

    I'm a new follower :-)

  7. Visiting from Fri. Hops! Love your button, it's so fun! Makes me want a vacation though, since we have 2 feet of snow here.

  8. Hi Stephanie!

    You were chosen as the featured blog for this weekends blog hop @ Lucas's Journey w/SPD and will have your button posted in one of our ad spots for the week! YAY Congrats : )

    Thanks so much for following us! I hope you have a fabulous weekend. The hop should be posted within an hour or so for you to view :)


  9. What a wonderful blog! I also am a child of God, and have one daughter. I found you on the Friday Blog hop. I'll be checking into your Etsy store too!

  10. Hi! New follower! Love your blog :)

