Monday, January 3, 2011


I'm back. 
Without meaning to, I took a couple weeks off from my blog and my shops. These are things that I enjoy, but they take time away from my two favorite people, and unfortunately sometimes they take away from time I should be spending in the Word. 

Over the last few years I have been made more and more aware of the fact that we don't know how much time we will have with the ones we love. I'd hate to look back, years from now, and say "I sure wish I spent more time with ____ rather than all the time I put into blogging, or stocking up my shops, or anything else that doesn't really matter in the end. 
Don't get me wrong, I am still going to blog, and I am still designing new gems, but I am being more careful about when I do these things. 
We may not ever be blessed with another child, and our little Bella is already TWO. Time is flying and I want to soak in every second. When she takes her tiny hand and grabs mine saying "Come, Mama! Dance!" I intend to do just that.  When she just wants me to hold and snuggle her or draw pictures of fishies for the thousandth time - I will. Everything else can wait.

I have a lot of new exciting things I have been working on that I hope to share with you real soon. So I will see you during nap time, and at bedtime, and when my man is at work, and after I've spent time with the One who has given me this time in the first place...


  1. I love your heart to spend your time on what is most important. Thank you for sharing it!
    So glad you're back! ♥

  2. Oh Stephanie, you are doing what matters most. Take all the time you need with your beautiful family!

  3. This is a great reminder. Truly. We don't know how much time we have!

  4. Great insight Stephanie ! As a mother of two grown daughters, I can assure you that time will be flying faster and faster. So, sit back and soak in every moment with Bella. Write things down that she says that are cute, because as much as we try, we don't remember everything. You are such an inspiration to me, Stephanie. Praying for big miracles in 2011 for you and Jared...Love you..Carol Allen

  5. beautiful post! i have been feeling the same way! i decided to start posting quality over quantity..and now post every day. i took that pressure off myself and i've actually seen wayyy more traffic and comments on my blog and more purchases in my etsy shop! God works his magic. ;) so wishing you encouragement on this and also iread your hair color post..i'm the same way...except i'm not as brave. i only go darker and darker..never lighter! i have always wanted to try blonde but i'm scared. haha. i want to see photos of you as a blonde! how fun! ok. longest post over.

  6. What a great site. I love your honesty. can't wait to read more. New follower From Weds. HOp
    Hope you can stop by & visit
