Monday, June 20, 2011

Shop For A Cause

 Meet Brian and Heather Keehn from The Adventures of Team Keehn 
This is an excerpt from their blog:

Brian and I are extremely excited to share some news with you. As most of you know, the Lord has blessed us with the responsibility of raising two amazing boys. Cale who is almost 3 and Quinn who just turned 1 in April. We love having a family and all the joy that comes with it. Recently we have felt the desire to add to our family once again. But this time in a different way. The Lord is leading us to do so through adoption.

For as long as I can remember I have desired to adopt a child. Brian and I talked about it from time to time early in our marriage and more recently (the past year) very frequently. 

Currently there are millions of children without families to give them the basic needs like a warm home, food, or more importantly unconditional love. We know that we don't have the means to change the world on our own, but we can change the world for at least one child.

We are so unbelievably overwhelmed with joy and excitement, however it is not going to be easy. As many of you know, adoption is not an inexpensive process. It is going to cost about $30,000. The cost can be overwhelming but we know it is what we are called to do.


I do not know the Keehn's  personally, but a friend of mine posted about them on Facebook and ever since I read that post I have felt the Lord tugging at my heart to do something to help. 
After our struggles to conceive, and the pain of losing so many babies, my husband and I were starting to consider adoption.  I did some research and was overwhelmed by the cost of adoption.  As the Keehn's mentioned, it's going to cost them around $30,000!!  Yikes! 

What do you say we all join in to help them bring their little one home??

From now until July 20, a portion of every purchase you make from Pearls and Petals and Bella Regali will go straight to the Keehn's to help bring their new child home!!! 
So buy some jewelry for yourself  or your friends, and PLEASE spread the word!! This is a very worthy cause, and you even get jewelry out of the deal! 

If you are not into jewelry and don't know anyone who is, (is that possible??) you can make a donation on their blog The Adventures of Team Keehn .

I hope you will join with me in helping this family who is following the Lord's leading. Let's be a blessing to them!!


Sunday, June 5, 2011

Gender Reveal!!

I really wanted to reveal the genders of these babies in a special way. We have been praying for them for so long and we do not take for granted the great miracle God has done in giving them to us. That being said, you can see how a phone call or text just wouldn't cut it! 

I decided to throw a Gender Reveal party! 
It was so much fun! I loved that both sides of the family could come over for the announcement and help us celebrate this special time.

We found out the genders a week before the party, and everyone was very anxiously awaiting the announcement. I was being stalked on facebook every 30 seconds, and certain people, who will remain nameless, even tried to trick us into spilling the beans early. 
But I am an excellent secret keeper, so it didn't work ;)

I baked up some goodies and everyone took a bite at the same time to find out the sex of one baby, then they had to look around to see what color treat other people had to find out the sex of the second baby.

Great anticipation....
 I got a blue one!
 Yay for a son!!
 My side of the family is so excited to finally have a boy!!
 First great-grandson!!
 Yay a nephew!
 Daddy was explaining that blue means a brother for Bella!
 Aaaannnd ANOTHER BLUE!!
 WHAT?!  2 brothers!?!
 Oh yes, we are going to have so much fun!!!

These are the yummy treats I made for the special occasion:

Boston Cream Cupcakes

Fudge Brownie Cups Filled with Vanilla Cream and Topped with Ganache

Caramel Cream Truffles Dipped in Ganache and Sprinkles

This was such a fun way to share our happy news! We are super excited to be expecting to little boys!!
22 weeks and going strong, thank you Jesus!