Sunday, June 5, 2011

Gender Reveal!!

I really wanted to reveal the genders of these babies in a special way. We have been praying for them for so long and we do not take for granted the great miracle God has done in giving them to us. That being said, you can see how a phone call or text just wouldn't cut it! 

I decided to throw a Gender Reveal party! 
It was so much fun! I loved that both sides of the family could come over for the announcement and help us celebrate this special time.

We found out the genders a week before the party, and everyone was very anxiously awaiting the announcement. I was being stalked on facebook every 30 seconds, and certain people, who will remain nameless, even tried to trick us into spilling the beans early. 
But I am an excellent secret keeper, so it didn't work ;)

I baked up some goodies and everyone took a bite at the same time to find out the sex of one baby, then they had to look around to see what color treat other people had to find out the sex of the second baby.

Great anticipation....
 I got a blue one!
 Yay for a son!!
 My side of the family is so excited to finally have a boy!!
 First great-grandson!!
 Yay a nephew!
 Daddy was explaining that blue means a brother for Bella!
 Aaaannnd ANOTHER BLUE!!
 WHAT?!  2 brothers!?!
 Oh yes, we are going to have so much fun!!!

These are the yummy treats I made for the special occasion:

Boston Cream Cupcakes

Fudge Brownie Cups Filled with Vanilla Cream and Topped with Ganache

Caramel Cream Truffles Dipped in Ganache and Sprinkles

This was such a fun way to share our happy news! We are super excited to be expecting to little boys!!
22 weeks and going strong, thank you Jesus!


  1. Your cupcake idea is sooo cute! How exciting!!! :)

  2. Congratulations on your boys! So fun! And those cupcakes are the cutest!

  3. I love how you chose to reveal them with the cupcakes too cute! Congrats!

  4. How exciting!!!! Praise the Lord all is going well. :)

  5. What a fun way to reveal the gender! So happy for you all :)

  6. SOOOOOOO excited for you!!!!!
    I cannot believe TWO BOYS!
    Praising GOD for the hard yet rewarding journey you've been blessed with :)

  7. Awww, so happy for you! Sorry it's taken me forever to comment--my computer has been in the shop and my work computer dislikes networking sites. It would let me read blogs, so I've been able to keep up with you, but not comment on them? Eh. :(
    But mine is back and working now, so I'm happy to finally say HI!

  8. What fun and how exciting. Babies are work but one smile from them makes up for any inconvenience.

    Have an easy pregnancy. You look great.

    I came here to tell you how much I like your cupcakes and to thank you for linking them up.

  9. wow, twin boys--that is so exciting! congratulations!!! thanks for following me at the hollie rogue and i'm so glad i found your blog. i'm your newest follower!

    blessings, friend

  10. how exciting!!! just found your blog thru sweet tooth friday. love your gender reveal idea!!
