Monday, November 14, 2011

Salty&Sweet Treats

Salty and Sweet.
Who would say this isn't a good thing?
 I have always been a fan of chocolate covered pretzels. I mean, what's not to love? Salty, crunchy, sweet. 
And chocolate and peanut butter? Psh, come on. That's a no brainer. 
And who doesn't love a great chocolate chip cookie?

Meet the result of combining these yummy things (and then some!).
Here' what you're looking at, friends. A chewy peanut butter cookie chock full of chocolate chips, pretzels, butterscotch chips, a touch of sea salt, and a little love.  :)

Go ahead tell me you don't want one.

Now head over to Still Waters on facebook and tell me what some of your fave treats are! 

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Family Fun Day

 We recently had some exceptionally warm weather and took full advantage of it by spending the day outdoors.  This is my new family of 5. FIVE! Still can't believe it.
We had a picnic lunch, Bella picked out her own pumpkin, we did some shopping, and just enjoyed the time together out in the sun.
Here's me with my sweet little ones. Oh how I wish time would stand still and they could stay like this forever. 
 Bella did not take her responsibility of picking her own pumpkin lightly. Trust me, she thought long and hard about it.

 Xander and Kingston next to pumpkings much larger than they are. Oh how I love these tiny babies!

 My sweet Bella. So happy that it's finally her turn to play in the tunnel of hay :)
I love getting to spend great quality time with my family, and I am feeling so very thankful that these four amazing people are mine :)
My heart is full!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Candy Bar Brownies

What do you do right after halloween when your house is filled with candy??

Make candy bar brownies, of course!
These are super simple and obviously delicious.
I mean, just look at that  fudgy brownie loaded with yummy candy. 
Are these calling your name yet?
 If you haven't gone completely overboard in your eating of halloween candy, you should still have the goodies you need to make these treats today!
Just whip up a batch of your favorite brownies and mix in 3/4 cup of your favorite chopped candy bars.  I used 3 Musketeers and Milky Ways. Pour batter in the pan and sprinkle a few more candy bars on top. (The sugar will start to caramelize in the oven making a yummy chewy mess of goodness.)
That's all folks! Told you they were easy.