Monday, November 14, 2011

Salty&Sweet Treats

Salty and Sweet.
Who would say this isn't a good thing?
 I have always been a fan of chocolate covered pretzels. I mean, what's not to love? Salty, crunchy, sweet. 
And chocolate and peanut butter? Psh, come on. That's a no brainer. 
And who doesn't love a great chocolate chip cookie?

Meet the result of combining these yummy things (and then some!).
Here' what you're looking at, friends. A chewy peanut butter cookie chock full of chocolate chips, pretzels, butterscotch chips, a touch of sea salt, and a little love.  :)

Go ahead tell me you don't want one.

Now head over to Still Waters on facebook and tell me what some of your fave treats are! 


  1. Oh dear, I can't believe you are baking with two little ones. You are awesome!

  2. Oh man! These look amazing. New follower here. Would love it you would stop by and share this at my linky party :)

    Also, PRETTY PLEASE check out Random Acts of Kindness Week going on right now!! Would love to see you be a part of it!

  3. I made these last week. They are so good!

  4. Wow, butterscotch, pretzels, and chocolate chips? Awesome!

  5. I've made cookies with butterscotch and chocolate chips... now you're making me want to add pretzels! Yum :)

  6. I really like your blog. I am your newest follower!! I am new to blogger, but am excited to share my New boutique that is coming soon with the latest trends on clothing at affordable prices. I also will be selling Mineral Makeup. I will be giving a lot of free giveaways here shortly for our grand opening! I hope you will stop by my blog and follow me back and like my facebook... And Look out for free giveaways on makeup and clothing :)

    -B. Haven

  7. You are making my mouth water! Great blog!! I am a Dietitian who writes about child nutrition (picky eating, making homemade baby food, family recipes, etc.). Enjoy!


  8. I want one! Actually two. Could you just pack up a box and ship it to me??? Oh girl, how do you stay so thin???

  9. These sound fabulous! Thanks for sharing at Mrs Foxs Sweet Party :) I am a new follower of yours now too :)
