Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I'm baAck!

Well, hello again, my long lost bloggy friends! It's been awhile, huh?
Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year... Am I caught up now?
I have been having computer problems that have kept me from blogging lately. Oh. That and a couple little tiny boys that are always in my arms, and a very busy three year old in need of constant attention.  Life with infant twins and a toddler is busy for sure, but I am in absolute heaven. Seriously. I am truly loving every sleep deprived second!

I have had so many things I have wanted to share with you, but time (and priorities, see above) did not allow that to happen. I am hoping to share them with you soon. I have some fun new ideas for this blog's future too! So stay tuned! And be sure to  "like" Still Waters on Facebook. I will probably be updating that more than the blog, just because it's so fast and I can do it on my ipad while holding babies! :)
Blessings to you all!


  1. Every time I see pictures of your sweet babies I get all sentimental. We prayed for those little sweeties! They are precious, girl. :) Glad to see you blogging, and I'm enjoying "seeing" you on Twitter, too!

  2. Aww, they're getting so big!! I "like"d you on Facebook! :-)

  3. Oh, they are precious!
    Glad to hear from you, love the pictures!!!!

  4. Happy blessed New Year to all of you too! What sweet pictures of your miracles- all 3 of them.

  5. Oh the cuteness! I'm going to make sure I "like" you on Facebook, if I don't already.

  6. Good to hear from you again. ♥

  7. Can't get any better than that! Beautiful! Good luck! And Happy new are going to be SOOO busy! i am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can!

  8. Those pictures are adorable!!! I miss your posts BUT I honestly can't imagine twins...ever! Wow! That you still do jewelry is beyond me!

  9. I found you via the Sunday Social. I love your kids. They are all so cute. My youngest daughter also still loves to hug and kiss and I live for that. She is the youngest of five and the oldest is 25 so sadly the day will come when I am not "her world" but for now - I am with you - just love the hugs and kisses. I am stopping in from TheStuffofSuccess and I am also your newest follower. Feel free to stop by and say hello. Thanks and have a great week. Athena
