Thursday, January 19, 2012

Favorite Things and Best Ever Whoopie Pies!

1. These are hands down the best whoopie pies ever. Maybe even the best dessert ever. It's a bold claim, but you haven't tried these yet. They. Are. Amazing. It's my own special recipe - I will be sharing it soon!
2. I am a makeup junkie, and I love anything that sparkles. Enter a product called Twinkle and Shine. LOVE! Makes the eyes sparkle.
 3. There is nothing sweeter than seeing my two baby boys snuggled close together, sound asleep. Melts my heart!

4. I love spending time with my girlie, just the two of us. And I LOVE that she still loves to hug and kiss me :)
5. My new hat. My husband made me buy it because he thought I looked SO cute in it, haha! I always feel like I'm wearing a costume when I wear a hat, but I actually really like this one now!

What are some of your favorite things right now?


  1. Awww...precious kidlets you have. LOVE your new hat. Your hubby is right, you look super cute in it. Thanks for linking up!

  2. Hi stopping by from Mine for the Making. Those woopie pies look amazing! Yum! Your hubby was right. Cute hat!!!

  3. The Whoopie Pies are making me drool! Your boys are just precious. Nothing like hugs from our little girls. And you look gorgeous in the hat!

  4. Your two little boys are so cute !
    I am due next saturday! I'm so excited!!
