Sunday, January 22, 2012

Fashion Fix

 I love all things fashion and I thought it would be fun to do a fashion post once in awhile. Sound fun?
Outfit #1
Must be a halfway decent outfit because I was harassed and practically proposed to while wearing it. My husband no longer allows me to leave the house without him, ha! Just kidding....sort of.
 I am currently obsessed with boots. I try not to wear anything that I can't wear boots with! It's a problem :)  My awesome hubby got these for me for Christmas. He has great taste, I love them!

I also love dresses, but never got to wear them much in the freezing winter months. Enter LEGGINGS. My other obsession. They make it possible to wear cute dresses all year long. YAY!

This mini dress is sleeveless, so I added a fun studded cardi. I usually sort of hate cardigans on me, but I think I like this one.
So this is my outfit pick of the week. What do you think? And do you want to see anymore fashion posts?


  1. Very cute! I don't have a single dress to wear with my leggings, which is my problem. Must keep an eye out for some...Love your boots! I got a brown pair of Frye's for Christmas and I looooooove them.

  2. So cute!! And you look amazing girlie! Did you really have twins!? Hott momma! :-)

  3. I will just be happy to get out of maternity clothing!!!

  4. Adorable outfit! LOVE the boots. I wear a pair almost every day. Just the way I roll.

  5. Cute. I love getting use out of everything in my closet as much of the year as possible. Oh and boots YES!

  6. You look super cute. I love the boots as well! Great taste. ;)

  7. Cute! I'm a boots girl myself! :) Thanks for sharing at oopsey daisy!
