Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Review

Here a some highlights from our Christmas 2009:

I went overboard with the baking yet again - about 15 varieties of cookies, candies, and truffles total.

These, by the way, were amazing!! A happy accident of leftover chocolate, gooey caramel, and pretzels. Yum!

We watched the Grinch (among many other movies I have to watch every year).

We rearranged the ornaments..... oh wait, that was just Isabella.

We spent Christmas eve at the in-laws house.

This empty cup from Grandma was her favorite gift - go figure!

We had our own little family time on Christmas morning.

We spent the rest of the day at my parents house.

It's tiring opening so many presents.

I may have had a tiny bit to drink. Wait, are those all empty?? (ahem)

Overall it was a good Christmas. I hope you all had a Merry Christmas too!


  1. you are a way better wife/mom than me. I only made one kind of cookie! Haha. I had plans to make a lot more....

  2. love your blogs and the pics...thanks for sharing you have a beautiful fam and you are such an encouragement to my soul! thanks :)
