Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Clap Your Hands

My 13 month old daughter is not a tv watcher. She is much to busy for such things. However, we have recently discovered that she is a big fan of Wheel of Fortune. It's hilarious! She stands on the couch, eyes glued to the screen, and claps and cheers right along with the audience. This kid kills me.


  1. Brianna loves wheel of fortune too! Just wait until Bella learns her letters and starts yelling them out when she sees them on the screen. Too cute! Bella is going to learn her letters quickly too. Just wait until she starts blurting the letters out at an age she's not suppose to know them!

  2. Oh my goodness, how CUTE is that!? My son just started clapping and right now he thinks patty cake is just the cats meow. ;)

  3. That's so funny! Be sure to tape it so she can watch it when she's older and giggle at her cuteness :-)
