Saturday, January 30, 2010

Flower Fun!

Hi, friends, happy Sunday. I hope you all are having a great weekend!
I have been trying to design lots of new items for my etsy shop. New jewelry, my new flower pins and hair accessories, and a combination of the two: flower jewelry! So I've been shopping for materials, and coming up with designs in my head. I have made several pieces but my sweet little girl is all about her mama these days so it's hard to get much done at one time. She always wants me to hold her - which I love, but that sure makes it difficult to sew!! Not that I'm complaining. There is nothing I would rather do than snuggle with my little angel.
Check out mama and baby with flowers in our hair!!

I LOVE this necklace! Isn't it fun??? So perfect for Valentine's Day!

Here are a few hand sewn fabric flowers.
(click the names for more info)
This is the one my little girl is wearing in the above picture :)
Crushed Velvet Flower
Victorian Satin Flower
Pretty much all the flowers I've put in my shop can be made into headbands, hair clips, bobby pins, barrettes, pins, or even baby hair clips (so cute!) I decided to leave the decision on what the flower will be up to the customer. Do you think that's a good idea??
I could use some input here. What do you think of the pieces, the pricing, how I've left the options open about whether they will be pins, clips, etc.??? I would love to hear your opinions/ideas!
This is something I'm really excited about. I love making jewelry and I love creating and designing totally unique things. But I think it's good to get criticism every now and then to make sure I'm getting it right! Thanks in advance!
These are a few I have not listed yet, do you like them?

Please leave me a comment or send me an email I'd really love to hear your thoughts!
(Also, if you would like to order multiple items, email me and I'll give you a discount!)

Friday, January 29, 2010

The Big Reveal!!!

I am so excited!!! I have been scheming for awhile now and the time has almost come for me to reveal to you what I've been up to. What? You can't wait?
Since you're all such faithful readers, I'll let you in on my secret before the rest of the world.
Bella Regali is EXPANDING!!!
I am having a blast making jewelry, I've really found something I love to do. And it's been especially great to see other people like my designs enough to buy them. A BIG thanks to all of you!
But you see, I am a Hair stylist too - which I also love. And I've come up with a way to combine my passions.......

Hair accessories!!!! Bling for the hair!
I have not listed any hair accessories in my shop yet because I haven't finished everything I want to make.
But I like you gals.
So before these gems hit the proverbial shelves, I am giving you a chance to snatch them up at a ridiculous price.
Starting at just $1.
Just send me an email if you're interested, and I will ship them to you before the world knows what hit.
$1/ea (These all have snap clips)

$1/ea (These have super strong bobby pins)

$1.50/ea (These are barrettes)

$6.50 (This handmade fabric flower headband is a one of a kind - so if you like it grab it before someone else does!)

I have more fabric flower accessories and other fun hair bling that will be in my shop hopefully next week.
Hope you feel special getting the very first peek into my new line of goodies.
Send me an email at if you have any questions or want to place an order. Can't wait to see what y'all think!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Try, Try Again

This weekend turned out a lot different than I had planned. Bella and my man were both sick, so instead of hanging out with friends and going to church etc., I gave my bathroom a spontaneous makeover. Again.
Ever since we bought our house almost 5 years ago, I have painted and decorated, and repainted and redecorated our master bath. I never like it. It went from a dark country blue when we moved in, to a soft taupe. I bought new towels and a new shower curtain and I liked it at first. It was an improvement from the blue but it soon became boring. Then I thought an ocean blue would be cool. So while I was 6 months pregnant and violently ill, I felt it was important that I repaint the bathroom. MISTAKE. I hated it. It was like a bright Caribbean themed hotel kind of blue. But I had already bought a new shower curtain (why are those things so expensive? $50 really??) and new towels to match so I didn't want to change it too drastically. Just enough to keep me from being embarrassed whenever someone wanted to use our bathroom.
So I painted it a softer shade but kept it a green/blue so it would still match everything. I kept it this way for a year. Never really liked it but it didn't bother me too much.
please ignore the smudgy mirror

This weekend I realized that I had all the painting supplies I'd need to repaint yet again. I went for it! This time I mixed my own color. Now I should tell you that our house is on the market and we are hoping to move soon. So I didn't want to spend a fortune. I really would like it to be all black and white but I don't want to gut the whole room, and the tiles and countertops are all gray, white, and blue. We will make do.
(Here is something you don't know about me. I don't use recipes because I never like the way they turn out; I always think it would be so much better with/without____. So I make up my own recipes and am much happier for it. Apparently the same goes for paint. I think I like the color so someone mixes it for me and then I hate it. So this time I mixed my own.)
Ready for the reveal?

At last my man and I both like it! So I ran out real quick and bought new towels. In white. I've never had white towels, and quite frankly I always thought white was boring. I love them!!!! They make me feel like I'm in a swanky hotel. The hubby agreed so yesterday I bought a white linen/satin shower curtain.
What do you think???

I do realize the curtain needs to be ironed.
Is it better than the silver one??
Hopefully now I can leave it alone until we move and I have a new bathroom to decorate! :)