Monday, January 25, 2010

Try, Try Again

This weekend turned out a lot different than I had planned. Bella and my man were both sick, so instead of hanging out with friends and going to church etc., I gave my bathroom a spontaneous makeover. Again.
Ever since we bought our house almost 5 years ago, I have painted and decorated, and repainted and redecorated our master bath. I never like it. It went from a dark country blue when we moved in, to a soft taupe. I bought new towels and a new shower curtain and I liked it at first. It was an improvement from the blue but it soon became boring. Then I thought an ocean blue would be cool. So while I was 6 months pregnant and violently ill, I felt it was important that I repaint the bathroom. MISTAKE. I hated it. It was like a bright Caribbean themed hotel kind of blue. But I had already bought a new shower curtain (why are those things so expensive? $50 really??) and new towels to match so I didn't want to change it too drastically. Just enough to keep me from being embarrassed whenever someone wanted to use our bathroom.
So I painted it a softer shade but kept it a green/blue so it would still match everything. I kept it this way for a year. Never really liked it but it didn't bother me too much.
please ignore the smudgy mirror

This weekend I realized that I had all the painting supplies I'd need to repaint yet again. I went for it! This time I mixed my own color. Now I should tell you that our house is on the market and we are hoping to move soon. So I didn't want to spend a fortune. I really would like it to be all black and white but I don't want to gut the whole room, and the tiles and countertops are all gray, white, and blue. We will make do.
(Here is something you don't know about me. I don't use recipes because I never like the way they turn out; I always think it would be so much better with/without____. So I make up my own recipes and am much happier for it. Apparently the same goes for paint. I think I like the color so someone mixes it for me and then I hate it. So this time I mixed my own.)
Ready for the reveal?

At last my man and I both like it! So I ran out real quick and bought new towels. In white. I've never had white towels, and quite frankly I always thought white was boring. I love them!!!! They make me feel like I'm in a swanky hotel. The hubby agreed so yesterday I bought a white linen/satin shower curtain.
What do you think???

I do realize the curtain needs to be ironed.
Is it better than the silver one??
Hopefully now I can leave it alone until we move and I have a new bathroom to decorate! :)


  1. That is beautiful! I love your paint. And I am exactly the same way with recipes. Sadly, that is why I can never recreate a dish.

  2. Very Nice! I lovee white.Now dont get me wrong not all white throughout but touches here and there are so warm and clean.

    The baby is adorableee.Her name is just so lovely.I actually breathe a sigh of relief when I see woman who have babies and name them normal names,lol.Seriously,have you ever heard of the names out there now??

    I have 2 girls in their early twenties.It was a journey but I must say it was well worth it.

    I will have to check out your jewlery.I love the necklace on your side bar though.Thanks for visiting.Im a new follower here,hope to see you again.~~Becky

  3. Oh the shop is gorgeous! I love everything,LOL.Very nice with the watches I love them.Best of Luck to you!

  4. The new color looks good. Can't wait to see in person!

  5. I love the new colour - looking very fresh!!

  6. The bathroom looks great! I redid my guest bedroom a few months ago and I'm already not liking it. I'm too lazy to do anything about it right now though!

    By the way, I got my jewelry yesterday and I'm wearing my earrings right now! I love them! (Thanks for my extra surprise!!!)

    I'm thinking I'm going to have a Valentine's Giveway in the next couple of weeks for my other order!

  7. Beautiful! I adore white for bathrooms. I have a white terry cloth curtain that I bought when we remodeled our Joliet home that is stored away for the day when we have our own home again. I miss spa-like bathrooms. ...sigh...

  8. Your bathroom looks great! I popped over here from CountryGirl. :)

  9. Awww, I hope everyone is back to feeling better! I love, love, love the new bathroom paint! It's very similar to my master bath walls, actually. My Hubby is the man when it comes to paint, and he told me for months that I should paint it "chat room gray" and I was like no way man, that sounds awful. Buuut, he just so happened to have some leftover and I used it (umm, and I did it while 6 months pregnant- What's with that???)- and I love it! We're white towel people too. I love that you can bleach the dog out of them and they always smell fresh. I have a walk in shower thing, which really busts my shower curtain bubble...I have one but it's never used.

  10. Love the wall color - has a real freshness to it! Congrats on your new lens as well!
    Thanks for stopping and your kind words over at my blog.
    I'll be sure to come back soon...expecting to see more shots with your new lens. (;

  11. Very pretty. Love that shower curtain:)

  12. Love it, love it! I can so relate to you... I love to redecorate. I'm not the best at coming up with ideas, but if I see a photo in a magazine or something like that and get inspired, I'm good to go!

  13. So pretty! Love the colors!


  14. Thanks for the comment, you are too sweet. :-) I don't consider myself a master, but more of a dabbler in WAY TOO MANY THINGS. :-) Your jewelry is gorgeous, and I love your bathroom re-re-re-re-re-do. **grin** My bathrooms are done, but the rest of my house really needs paint.

  15. Looks great- I switched to white towels and shower curtain a few years ago and love how they make everything fresh. Love the new paint color.

  16. The paint and decor looks amazing! I have a deep love of silver, so the first shower curtain just made me think "wow!", but that's coming from a person with waaayyy too much silver jewelry :) I love how everything in there is so calming!

  17. I love the blue you created!!! I think white towels looks fab with blue walls. I personally LOVE the silver shower curtain... thanks for sharing at the PoPP.
