Friday, January 22, 2010

Owls, Lenses and Fires

I was up at the crack of dawn this morning due to a sick baby :(
But that gave me time to make this fun Painted Owl Necklace for my etsy shop! Isn't it a hoot? (I'm a moron, my apologies.)

I am trying to make as much jewelry as possible so you have many options to choose from during my fundraising for Haiti! See here for details.
Ok. I see I've neglected to tell which lens I bought! For all of you who are curious it is the Nikkor 35mm f/1.8 prime lens. It's pretty much awesome. I'm having lots of fun playing with my camera and all my lenses. Soon my 2 new camera bags will be obsolete; I will need a suitcase to help lug everything around!
I am by no means a pro at this, I just love taking pictures and I want to get the best picture I possibly can so my memories are well preserved! (Fun fact about me : If my house was on fire and my family and dog were safe, and I could only go back for 1 thing, I would have to rescue my photos and a few special items from my hubby - shhhh don't tell I took more than 1 thing!) Hmmm this could be fun. What 1 thing would you rescue??


  1. I love the new owl necklace...super cute!!! So awesome about the lens. "one" thing would be my scrapbook room:-) LOL! I would so open the window and start tossing every out. I would be crushed if I lost all my pictures! I know they are just material items and I have the memories but a picture just tells so much!

  2. Beautiful! I've been waiting for you to make something to grab my interest ever since I bought my favorite for Cam's teacher. This might be it ;-)

  3. Hum, my first instinct would have to be (after family) would be my photo albums. But, then the more I actually thought about it, it would have to be my Bible. I love that book, and I've written so many things in it to help me better understand it. It's easy to replace, but something I've had for a long time.

  4. That necklace is adorable! You've got some of the most fun pieces going on right now. Hm, my one thing after all of the important stuff (ie, family) would probably be my camera.

  5. I just added your Etsy shop to my favorites, I got to have some of your jewelry, will be making choices later..I am liking your creativity and and love your blog!

  6. Why YES, I agree.
    IT is definitely a HOOT! lol

    I love it.

  7. i'm wanting a new lens soooo bad!

    i would save my external hard drive.


  8. I LOVE this neckalace!!! I'll have to go visit your Etsy shop : )

  9. I love that necklace!! It's adorable!
