Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Last 2 Days

Hello, friends! I am up at the crack of dawn again. It's not my favorite time of day, but my little one thinks it's just a fine time to get up to play. So that's what we do. :)
First, I want to say thanks for all the birthday wishes! I feel loved; you guys are the best!
Here's what I've been up to the last few days.
Valentine's day.
My man had to work the whole weekend, so Bella and I were on our own. Of course I made her heart shaped pancakes for breakfast- pancakes are her fav and I love her!

She said they were 5 star pancakes! That's my girl :)

My sweetie called me from work just about every hour ( he works 12 hr shifts) to tell me he loves me. He makes my heart pitter patter!
Then this sweet surprise arrived at my door! What a man! He knows chocolate is my love language (just kidding....I think).

Before Daddy came home we had to work on his card. Isabella wrote him a lovely note :)

Then she forgot you're not supposed to eat the crayons.

She showed the card to our dog to make sure it was just right :)
Success! It melted Daddy's heart.
Though it's nice to do sweet things for each other on Valentine's day, we know a secret: you can do those things everyday. And we try to. But it's easy when you have a man like mine!
I also spent some time here and there making new designs for Bella Regali.
I have this problem though. Every time I make something I end up not wanting to sell it because I want it! So I made myself promise that this time everything I made I would list in my shop. No matter what. I would like to break my promise - but I won't because you all deserve a chance to own them too.
These next 2 necklaces are not listed yet. I will try and get to that tonight. Obviously if you want to buy them just email me infinitemystery@hotmail.com
I would give you a little discount for saving me the trouble of putting them in my shop :)

This brings me to my last point. Make sure you check out Bella Regali real soon. There are lots of items on sale and all you 1st time shoppers can take 10% off your order if you follow my blog. (I will refund the 10% after you place your order.) And every follower will get a free gift with any purchase! Hooray! Free stuff and discounts - you can't go wrong!
Happy Tuesday!


  1. Awww, glad to hear you had a great Valentine's day! And yes, we get to celebrate it every day, so that makes it all the better! Sweet pics of your girl making her card, love the one where she's showing the dog. :) Gosh, girl, I love your new necklace styles. I'm on a jewelry buying moratorium at the present. ;) However, I will be saving the pics of the one I like for when that moratorium is lifted, lol!

  2. what a great valentines :) super cute new items!

  3. Lovely creations! Glad you had a great Valentine's weekend. xoxo

  4. How cute your daughter is.LOL@ she forgot you dont eat crayons.Well I have 2 girls in their early twenties,so hang on the time will fly.Cherish every special moment.

    Your jewlery is lovely I love the fairytale earrings and necklace.Your daughter will be so happy when she grows up that Mommy makes jewlery LOL Have a beautiful day!

  5. Your stuff is gorgeous!! When I have some extra $$, I'll be stopping by!

  6. What a sweet family- I would've LOVED some choc. covered goodies. ;)

    Your jewelry is gorgeous!

  7. So glad you had a great birthday and VDay! Love your new stuff!!!

  8. what a wonderful valentines day!
    have i ever seen a more perfect heart shaped pancake?!! no! those look divine! my pancakes are usually messy and slathered with way to much butter and syrup.
    and i'm so jealous of your bouquet of chocolate because i've always secretly wanted one! {chocolate and fruit shaped as flowers = best of both worlds}

    beautiful jewelry as always!! love the bow!

  9. What a sweetie she is! Crayons or chocolate...hmmmmm;)

  10. Your pics are so sweet! I have my eye on some things but our car needed new fuel injectors so I had to put a spending freeze, but I can't wait to get something!

  11. Looks like a wonderful valentines day! I agree. . .your heart shape pancakes deserve 5 stars. . .I can never get mine to look so good! My shape pancakes are always unrecognizable. The jewelry is gorgeous! Off to check out your etsy. =) Thanks for your kind comments on my blog!

  12. What a cute Valentines date you had! That is sweet your husband did so much while he had to work! thanks for stopping by my blog.

  13. What a sweet little girl! Love the sequence of pics. Thanks for popping by my blog. LOVE your new jewelry!!

  14. so glad you had a great valentine's day and birthday. It sounds like your husband loves you very much.

  15. How freaking amazing are your talents. YOu need to do a wonderful giveaway and get a bunch of people over to your etsy store. Just beautiful!

  16. Thank you for stopping by my blog. You, your baby, & your blog are just beautiful! I am happy to follow! =)

  17. I just bought something from you gorgeous girl! So SO SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited!!!

  18. just came across your blog and loved it! your daughter is beautiful!

  19. The jewelery looks gorgeous! Love your blog & your daughter is adorable (: Thanks for entering the giveaway!!

  20. What a cutie!!! Love the pictures!!!

    You are also extremely talented, great work!!!

  21. Thanks for visiting my blog! :0) I loved browsing through yours!

  22. Thanks for commenting on my blog. You are beautiful, your baby is beautiful, I love your jewlery, and I am so excited to be following you now. Have a great weekend.

  23. Awwwwww, how sweet she had a pic for Daddy! The dude was up at the crack of dawn today too. We let Daddy sleep and played!

  24. I'm glad that you comment on my blog so I could find yours! Such cute stuff and aren't you adorable!

  25. Such a nice blog!
    Following you through MBC.
    Come and visit north of the border :)
