Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me

Last night was so great! Me and my man had a date! You know these are few and far between nowadays, I think this was our 4th date since Isabella was born. Yikes! Sadly I forgot to take a picture to commemorate like I usually do; but trust me, it happened! I don't realize how much we need time to ourselves until we have it - it was just like we were dating again! I sure do love that man. I think it was really nice of God to choose him for me :)
We went to see a movie for the first time in a long time. We saw The Blind Side, it was really good, plus hardly anyone was there so there was no one to be grossed out by us. Muwahaha.
Then we went to Barnes and Noble for old times sake, haha. We used to go there all the time when we were dating. It's just fun to find crazy books and laugh together!
Then we went out for sushi!!! Yum!
Then he took me out for dessert before we headed back to get the munchkin. It was so nice to have some alone time with my guy.
Oh, and this is what he got me for my birthday

Just what I wanted. And in my favorite color!!!

Today will be more mellow - maybe I'll try out my new mixer!
Happy birthday to me!

Oh, and those of you who commented on my Something New post will be very happy. I shaved my head and listed my curly locks on etsy!! Now you can have them too! (just kidding, of course. You guys crack me up!)


  1. Happy Birthday! I love your beautiful mixer!! You sure know how to make the masses jealous.....curly hair and a purple mixer!!!! Wowzers!! Ha, ha. Congrats on getting some one on one time with your love. I'm sure you feel renewed! :)

  2. Happy birthday!!! We always went to Barnes and Noble for dates! Matter of fact, we still do when we can! Love your new purple mixer, what a fun color and cute pic of the two of you. ;)

  3. YAY for the kitchen aid!!! It will be your best friend for life!

    I've been craving sushi for weeks now. Whatever the fried soft-shell crab one is, with seaweed salad on the side. There's a place in Maryland that has the best sushi - I'm going there for either lunch or dinner on Thursday - I've been planning this for 2 weeks!!!

    Happy Birthday! I'm glad God hooked you guys up, too :)

  4. Happy BIrthday! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Happy Birthday!!! Love love love the purple mixer:-) Super cute pic of your "new love"!

  6. happy HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
    i'm so glad to hear how completely wonderful it was!
    the sushi looks incredible! AND YOUR GIFT!? wow, hands down best gift ever and in the most perfect color!
    one guy i dated, would always take me to barnes and noble.. and i don't know why but it was always the best!
    p.s. i schedule to go to movies when i now there are the least amount of people there. its the best!

  7. I love that mixer!!! The purple is gorgeous! Mine is the buttercream yellow, and it is my favorite kitchen appliance ever!! I hope you enjoy it!

  8. Happy Birthday! You are awesome! I so love those mixers. It cracks me up that you got purple! It is so girly.:)

  9. a huge happy birthday to you and hello that mixer is fab I didn't know it came in that is now on my wish list!!

  10. Happy Birthday! I've been craving a date's been a verrrry long time.

  11. I just like that you joined your mixer on the counter:-)

  12. Date nights rule the school! So glad you were able to get out a little. And a mixer? Hooray!
    ps- I'm in IN, too!

  13. Oh! You lucky duck!!
    I'm trying to choose a standout but it all sounds fabulous!
    Happy Birthday!

  14. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! Happy Birthday:)

  15. Happy Birthday!! So jealous of your new mixer.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comment!

  16. Hapy Birthday! Wow, I didn't know that mixer came in purple... mine is the boring white! Sounds like you had a fun date night, sushi and barnes and noble after a movie what could be better! Cheers, Jennifer

  17. Happy Birthday! Aren't date nights great! We had one last night. Just like you said, I don't realize how much we need one until we get one. Thanks for stopping by!

  18. Happy Birthday! Thanks for dropping a comment on my to find yours! Love the new kitchen aid.

  19. Happy Birthday!! I LOVE your new mixer! I've never seen one like that :) The picture of you next to it is too cute! Off to read more of your blog!!

  20. Happy belated birthday!! Sounds like you had a great time. I just love the picture of you with your new mixer. I didn't know they made it in purple! I'm holding out for my kitchen aid one day. Enter my giveaway today for a couple kitchen gadgets you can use with it! :)

  21. i love sushi and i love that mixer!
    i checked out your esty shop and it's SOOO cute :)
    you're very talented!

  22. A purple Kitchenaid? GET OUT! And I am a sushi lover too. We're like soul sisters or something. ;)

  23. Love that mixer!! How fun, I had to steal my Mother-in-laws for my cake class... now I think I will be hinting to the hubby for one of my own :)

  24. Sushi and a purple Kitchen-Aid mixer. Someone would have to pinch me!
