Monday, February 8, 2010

Something New

Happy Monday, all!
Well, I did not have a relaxing weekend like I was hoping for, but we got a lot accomplished. We sure are itching to have a vacation though! Anyone have any suggestions on how to take a 1 year old on a 9 hour plane ride? We do so miss Maui!
I am sitting here with color on my hair trying to look halfway decent again. I must multitask. A girl can't have roots showing on her birthday, after all.
I've been working on some new designs for my etsy shop. I've come up with a few ideas, notice anything?

Why, yes it is a new ring! How observant of you!

Would you wear a flower ring?
How about some flower necklaces?

This is the one I'm unsure about. Would you wear this bracelet or does it look like a corsage?

Ok, enough. Time to wash my hair!


  1. The rings are adorable and yes, I would wear the bracelet it is uber cute!

    I love your hair...I think I'm going to take your picture to my hairstylist and say "this color" she keeps asking me to do that. :)
    Have a great week,


  2. oh! i love the new ring!! adorable!
    and that first necklace is my fave!!

    p.s. i love your hair!! the wonderful curls! those are the kind of curls i dream about having! ha.

  3. I soooooooooo love the rings:) They are super cute, it all is though:)

    Oh and Happy Birthday by the way!!!!

  4. Cute, cute ring! Got my flowers in today, can't wait to try them out. Thank you so much for everything!

  5. Dear Flower Ring, Please come live at my house immediately. I have just the perfect finger waiting for you!

    And when you come to my house, please bring whatever hair product your maker uses to get those cute CUTE curls!

    Love, your new mama!

    P.S. Thanks for stopping by my blog! So fun to visit yours! Love it!

  6. Love all the new things for your shop and your hair looks amazing!!!

  7. I LOVE the ring! And girl, you could make millions if you could somehow sell your hair on your Etsy Shop! It's GORGEOUS!

  8. I don't think I could wear any of your beautiful jewelry. Not because it isn't beautiful but because I tried to wear a Filipino rock necklace today and my daughter tried ripping it off like 7 times. So unless you make something ears worthy, I'm up the crick! I'm following!

  9. So cute! I love the ring! The hair looks great also, don't you just love what a box of die can do! :)

    Thanks for stopping by today... and yes, the Target lady actually asked me that, I was thinking "what if I say no?", what would she have said then! I have quite a few friends who mention that the Target people ask too many questions about what you are buying... I like a simple "hi, how are ya!" :) Have a good day!


  10. Stephanie, your pictures are getting so beautiful! I'm so proud...

  11. Hi I just ran across your blog and it is ADORABLE! I love the ring and necklace! You are sooo creative! I am gonna hop over to your Etsy store and take a look!
    Have a great day
    Summer :0)

  12. Ummmm, I totally love you...I am so mad that I have to go cook dinner and cant browse around here to check everything out. I'll be back later :)!

  13. How cute!!!! :) I may need to order something from you... ;)

  14. Ok, I am soooooooooooooo smart. I just realized, after looking at your entire ETSY shop, (and wanting one of everything) that the bracelets that I won from Jill are made from little ol you! How fabulous!

    Um, do you made beaded lanyards? My sis is a teacher and was looking ALL over for them this year for Christmas for some of her peeps.

  15. Hi there! Thanks for commeting on my blog- nice to meet you!
    I read you Hope post, so very sorry for your loss. Words are a little insufficient....
    I love how you get Jesus always being there for us.

  16. Love everything!!!!!! Thanks for your sweet comment on my mini album, btw!!!!!

  17. That first pic is gorgeous! =) I love the rings and the necklaces and everything! So so cute!!

  18. So so cute! And I love your hair in that picture :)

  19. The ring is awsome! And I really like the necklace as well. The "corsage" one actually might do well because it looks like a corsage. Just describ it as a throw back item :D

    As for the plane ride, I have never gone through it but I did go on a 12 hour car ride with a 1 year old. It was better then I thought it would be. She mostly just slept. If you get them thier own seat you can put them in thier car seat on the seat net to you. That makes it easier, or so i have been told ;)

  20. I love all your flowers! I'm just getting into flower making. Plane rides Ack!

  21. Love those rings! Your daughter is too cute!

  22. it's good that you tried on the ring. i wouldn't have worn it from the first picture- just because it looks huge. but the next picture makes me want it! :) and want it a lot! :)

  23. OMG! wait, wait, YOU made that ring?! all of those?! WOW WOW WOW. I seriously love your rings. so fabulous!
