Saturday, February 6, 2010


Let's cut right to the chase, shall we?
The winner of this week's Bella Regali giveaway, chosen by the one and only Isabella Hope, is.....
Allegra from My Lips in Stitches
Congrats!!!! Send me an email with your address and I'll send it out to you ASAP.
Thanks to all who entered, and don't worry, I have something up my sleeve for another giveaway soon...
Also, I wanted to let all of you who made purchases at Bella Regali last month know that your money has been donated to World Vision to help the people of Haiti. Thanks for your support!
Happy weekend, all!
PS: I really need a vacation. Like a lay-on-the-beach-watch-the-waves-roll-in-sleep-until-noon-drink-pinia-coladas- kind of vacation. Like now.
Don't these monk seals seem happy?
Don't we look happy?
That's the magic of Hawaii.


  1. Oh, Hawaii. I have already planned, (and troy happily agrees), that we're going back in October 2011. We're going to have to hit Maui, since I've never been. And, of course, spend a few days on Oahu, our favorite island.

  2. Yay Allegra is one of my best friends! Sweet!

  3. I live in Texas now. The winter is SO MILD. I was out without a coat. In February? Gah. If we ever move away, which we probably will because husband is so sad that the year we move from Virginia they have TWO huge snows, I will act like a baby. I'm still up for Hawaii!!! Your daughter is so pretty!

  4. I really think I could enjoy a little Hawaii on this cold, dark day!

  5. We're going to Hawaii in August and I can't wait! I need some relaxing time too!

    I sponsor a child through World Vision - great organization! They'll use your donation wisely!

  6. hooray for giveaways!
    i love that your sweet little daughter picked the winner!!

    and i've never been to hawaii. but i've always wanted to.. one day!

    {and yes i really do wear those sweaters, embarrassingly enough!}

  7. i'm so with you...i could use a vacation too! sigh.

    happy sunday! oh and congrats to the winner :)

  8. you seem to have such a sweet family. I loved your "about you". very cool! Thanks for stopping by my giveaway over at bonbon girls. Let me know if you ever need anything from stella & dot. I can get you discounted shipping! have a great day!

  9. thank you so much for your encouragement! Its so nice to hear. Glad you were able to have that sweet, precious little girl. Have a great almost your bday day!

  10. Hawaii sounds wonderful!
