Sunday, March 28, 2010

Happy Thoughts

It's been a tough week for me and I'm feeling the need for another thankful list.
1. Isabella's great grandparents get to spend time with her now that they live here and it's so fun to see the joy she brings them!
2. Watching my 1 year old daughter try to wink at me. Hysterical!
3. Hot dates with my man. (We get to go out tomorrow, I'm soooo excited!! Any ideas on what we should do?)
4. Un-fake ( like my new word?) people who are honest and genuine.
5. A martini or 2 after too much drama....
6. Homemade chocolate peanut butter cups.
7. Knowing that God is in control even when life seems out of control.
8. Getting to work 2 jobs from home and really enjoy them both!
9. Good conversations with the ones I love.
10. Most of all I am so thankful that God chose me to be one of His children. I am so undeserving of His great love and forgiveness - it's a good thing His love is unconditional.
Are you feeling thankful for anything today?
I would like to introduce you to a new addition to Bella Regali.
Some of you are lucky enough to enjoy warm weather all year long, but here the winters are long and when spring comes we get excited! So here to celebrate sandal season are the new, fun and trendy ANKLETS!!
Like everything else in my shop they are unique, one of a kind, elegant yet funky, and designed and handmade by yours truly.
Did I mention they are making their debut at a special price just for this week?? ;)
Make one of these beauties part of your spring/summer wardrobe - you'll be glad you did!
And because it's Monday, it's time for this weeks deal.
Remember the rules: There's only one of each item, so if you like something please don't wait! These special items go quickly so make them yours before someone else snatches them up! The first one to checkout wins! :)
Because it's officially spring, and Easter is less than a week away, this weeks deal is extra special!
So if you've been eyeing this Pure Romance Necklace.....
and you've noticed how perfect it is with this White Flower Power Ring....

Or maybe you like this brand new 3 Flower Choker Necklace....

Maybe you're more of a hair bling kind of girl.
Check out the trendy combination of colors in this Pretty Petals Sari Silk Headband

And this appropriately named Happy Flower Barrette

Pick any flower item (they are all listed here in the Flower Sale section) and your second item is 1/2 price!! There are many styles and colors to choose from.
Order today to get your flowers before Easter!


  1. I would like to enjoy no.5 and/or no.6 as soon as possible. :)

  2. beautiful jewerly! & lovely happy thoughts!


  3. Sounds like a great list and I also would love to enjoy number 5 and 6! A thankful list is such a great thing to do when times seem tough, remembering all of the ways that God blesses us even when we feel a little lost or forgotten!

    I also love the new jewelry! So Fun!
    I hope you have a wonderful evening!


  4. you make the best bling girl!! sorry to hear that you had a bummer of a week!!

    martini's do make it a lil better;) i tried out the DOVE chocolate martini's on Saturday and HELLOOOO... they were strong! LOL

    yummy stuff though... i'm gonna mail your packet out today:) can't wait to meet ya, lovely!

  5. I'll give you a hearty amen to #4, and I love your new word. It's self explanatory. Sometimes I just wish everyone would be real and not try to be anything else, ya know? I sure hope we get to meet up this summer in Chicago, that would be so fun. LOVE the anklets, great idea. I'd buy one except it wouldn't get much use this summer being that I'm sure my ankles are going to be doing their fair share of swelling soon enough...Boo.

  6. I love your thankful list. I need to start counting my blessings as well. It's hard to mope and complain when I sit back and realize all God has done for me.

  7. Beautiful! Beautiful! I love the headband...for some reason lately I am really into them!

  8. I soooooo feel you on #5!! And lovely new pieces lady!!

  9. there's that pure romance necklace again... i just adore it! can we please have the recipe for #6! i'm am so very thankful for #'s 7 and 10, too! your new pieces are so full of pretty!

  10. I LOVE the bright flower!!!!!! And the bright color necklace!!!!!!

  11. hmmm, I haven't had a #5 that I've liked, but I'll sub something sweeter for it ;
    I'm sorry your week was hard. Wish our lives weren't so full of pain...
    I ADORE ankle bracelets, so I'll keep my eyes on your store for one that jumps out at me.
    I got 2 compliments on my owl necklace on Sunday!

  12. Good list. Especially the chocolate peanut butter cups. YUM!!! You have such a talent for jewelry making. I will only be poor for another couple of months and then I can be a happy customer with pretty stuff.

  13. i loooove ankle bracelets! I hardly wear jewlery, but i wear Ankle Bracelets!!! Yours are soo Nice!!!!

  14. Ok. I need to read your post today.
    ** 7. Knowing that God is in control even when life seems out of control.
    You may not know because I have not blogged about it, but my Dad was in a very bad car accident last Thursday. Two teenagers (18 year old brother and his 13 year old sister) perished as a result. It was horrible. It was not his fault, but that does not take away his pain. He was injured but is still here with us and sometimes wonders why him. I needed to read that and now you know why. Please add him and the poor family (who lost their only two kids) to your prayer list. Thanks so much and I hope you have a great day!

  15. I truly enjoyed your thankful list. Everyone should at least make one thankful list each week. Thank you for sharing this great gift. And speaking of the Jewelry, my oh my, very beautiful and elegant!

    I am following you from tag, your it come by when you get a chance!

  16. Tag you're it.

    What a beautiful list of things to be thankful for. I'm currently looking for a good work from home job. I hope I'm as lucky as you are in finding one that I love.

  17. Thanks for the follow on my blog! Yours is sooo sweet :) Cute items listed -- Can I please have all of them? Haha. Talk soon Blessings :)

  18. Great jewelry!

    Tag-you're it!! Happy Tag Tuesday! I'm your newest follower.

  19. Beautiful stuff, and love your list!
