Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring Has Sprung!

This past week we had days in the high 60's! That was such a breath of fresh air - really! We got to spend some family time outside at the park, it was so nice :)
Frisbee with Daddy

First time down the slide with Daddy's help

She liked it so much she wanted to try again....

By herself!


Now down the big one with Daddy....

She LOVED it!
It was so nice to have some fun family time together!


Spring has also sprung at Bella Regali!

Like this lovely Teal and Chocolate Flower Necklace (I am in love with these colors!)
Absolute perfection with these Teal and Chocolate Earrings (at a bargain price, I might add)
Or take a gander at this beauty!

So elegant and a gorgeous companion to this White Flower Power Ring!

I adore purple! Check out this pretty flower:
Wear one on your finger and one in your hair (us girls have to coordinate)
There are so many new spring additions in my shop, please stop by and take a look! Lots of awesome Easter options!!
If you're interested in multiple items, email me at infinitemystery@hotmail.com and we'll talk about discounts ;)

Happy Spring!!


  1. It looks like y'all had a lot of fun. You're such a beautiful family! And that teal and chocolate necklace looks delicious, as much as jewelry can look delicious...haha.

  2. Gorgeous jewelry! Love the colors of that first one!

  3. love the color combo of the first set of jewelry. I'm going to have to send the hubs your esty site to put hints in his head for my birthday :) and your family is adorable. Love this spring weather!

  4. I know! Isn't it great!!! I'm so ready for it! :0)

  5. Such a fun day at the park! Love the pics! I love that jewelry! my fav is the teal and brown necklace!

  6. aw i love all the park photos!
    how stinkin cute!!!
    the pure romance necklace is beautiful! i love it!

  7. Cute pictures! I just love sunny days in the park ;^)

  8. ok you might just have the most beautiful family i have EVER seen. wow.
    and that owl necklace..........perfection! i love it.

    so creative!

  9. What a great photo of the two of you! I love your Pure Romance Necklace... beautiful. xoxo

  10. the pure romance and white flower ring are my faves! gorgeous! love the park pictures. how sweet. can't wait till my little guy is walking so we can pay the park a visit!

  11. What great pictures at the park! Your little Angel looks like she was really enjoying it. Your jewelry is so pretty. I love my necklace I bought from you! I have been playing around with it for a while now and it is so much fun. Mine, of course, does not hold a candle to yours, but I try! :) Have a great day!

  12. Oh wow, I'm in love with the Pure Romance and white Flower Power! You have such good taste--I love those teal and chocolate colors too. I'm hoping to paint my room those colors one day (or blue & chocolate).
    Yes, I took some of the youth girls to do the ladies' nails--it was so fun, and they loved it. We're hoping to go again in about a month. :)

    Isabella looks so sweet sliding--she has such kissable/squeezable cheeks! I bet she gets lots of that. :)

  13. ok lovely photos in the park!! and loveee the items from your store..but the main question is..how do you get your hair to look so perfect all the time???? haha. ok. thats all. ;)

  14. So cute! I love her little shoes,lol.

  15. I love the teal and brown! Beautiful!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  16. These are gorgeous! (and your family photos at the park are too!)

    My daughter was just making rings like this out of ribbon the other day! Too cute.

  17. Enjoy the days in the park! Soak up the sun and find a way to lodge them in your memory! thanks for sharing

  18. what an adorably beautiful little girl.

    she looked so proud of herself after
    sliding all by herself.

  19. what a DARLING blog you have! i am now YOUR newest follower! love it!!! :)

  20. aren't days at the park so much fun!! and that jewelry is sooooo cute I especially love the first necklace

  21. what a fun day at the park!!! We just cant get enough of the park in spring and summer!!! I LOVE LOVE your jewelry and if i wasn rich I would buy every piece you have lady!!! I may have to purchase one this weekend!!!

  22. Your little girl is just presh! She looks just like her mommy! You are so pretty girl! I love your jewelry! I am in love with that necklace with the owl on it! Super cute!
    Hope you have a fab weekend
    Summer ;0)

  23. Love the pictures of your girlie! Friday following you!


  24. Such beautiful jewelry and delightful blog. I am a new follower. I look forward to reading more about a new blog friend. Hope to see you over at my place sometime. Come by to say hi and become a follower.


  25. I'm in lurv with the chocolate and turquoise stuff. You are SO talented at designing things, I love it! Great pics of you and your sweeties at the park, I think our weather may finally be on the upside of spring now!

  26. So sweet! You look so cute with the lil one! Spring is so wonderful and exciting no matter where you live, but I think those in the north feel stronger. Your jewelry is beautiful!
