Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Melt My Heart

I'm sorry my blogging has been a little dull lately. I've had so much to do that by the time I sit down at the computer to blog, I have about 11 seconds.
My girlie and I are home with the flu today. I know she feels awful because he just keeps falling asleep in my arms as I write. So sad :(
I just want to share pictures today.
These are from a few days ago, before she got so sick.
What a face!!

I know these next two are not great pictures, but they sure do melt my heart!

Dancing with Daddy

She loves to steal my phone and download games that make our bill skyrocket. Seriously.
She learned to take her socks off and give herself a little pedicure.

Where did this face come from?? Silly girl.

And she learned how to undress herself.

And as always, she loves to eat!
Don't you just love the pig tails :)

I love having a girl. I get to make hair pretties to match every outfit!

God sure was nice to give us this sweet girl!
I'm a lucky mama.

PS: Don't forget about this weeks deal!


  1. LOVE her goofy faces, what a doll. My little dude has recently figured out how to undress himself, and it makes for interesting days. Socks and shoes come off in the car now, too. Yippee! :)

  2. She is just presh! I love that cute little face she is making! Oh the precious moments of them dancing with daddy! I have tons of pics of Kelcee and daddy dancing and my eyes well up everytime I look at them! I heart the piggy tails! You make hairbows too??

    Have a Great Day
    Summer :0)

  3. Shes so adorable Stephanie!Precious pictures.I think all daddys must do the dance thing.I remember when my girls were little my husband always did that little dancing thing with the feet too.LOL.
    Im trying to think who shes looks like...from the side its definately you.As my motherinlaw once said to me"she looks like herself" lol.

    Take care with that flu bug its a nasty one.Give her lots of juice and water. If she doesnt have an appetite popsicles are always good to suck on for her.

  4. Lol that face is hysterical!!!!

  5. she is so sweet and gorgeous. just like her mom. i hope you get better quickly! it's so sad when the littles feel terrible. i'm so sorry! the pics are presh... love the one of daddy and his princess dancing.

  6. she is so cute!! i always wanted a lil girl of my own to do all the cutesy stuff with and to buy girl clothes... gahhh!! its a GOOD thing i had 2 boys!! LOL

    anywho, my necklaces from FABULOUS you came today!!! you are a speedy shipper!!

    i will take pics wearing them soon:)


  7. Oh little Bella...you are such a doll!

    P.S. I'm totally wearing my teal flower in my hair today! It's gorgie!!!

  8. Aw, Isabella makes the cutest faces--what personality! And her hair pieces are precious. Thanks for sharing the heart meltable things. ;) And who says your blog's been dull? There's deifnitely no boredom-blog violations here! Its been nice to get a peek into your shops and your Momma's heart. :)

  9. Steph, that first picture is HILARIOUS!!! I love that you captured it from the side! And her cute little pigtails...she is just so stinkin cute:-)

  10. Her pigtails are the cutest - I have to agree. I love the funny faces and I don't think there's anything more precious than a daddy and his little girl!

    And shame on you! Your posts are never dull!

  11. How sweet! Love the pics!


  12. I love the pics. I can't wait until the 2 of you and I are all well so that I can hug and kiss that little punkin.

    Love you!!

  13. Jude's been stealing my phone and calling 9-1-1. The cops have been here twice in the last 4 days. He also sent 23 text messages yesterday, which of course we're charged for (I was already over my text messages for the month). What is it with one-year-olds and phones? Cute pictures. I can't wait for pigtails.

  14. what a little darlin'. such precious
    expressions and sweet pigtails.

    so sorry you don't feel well.
    get some rest!


  15. love these pictures! simply adorable! i hope you too get better soon! xo

  16. That face is definitely priceless! Love all the pictures!


  17. Wonderful post! That teeny face--so expressive!
