Friday, April 9, 2010

Girls Being Girls

So a few days ago I was giving myself a pedicure. When I got around to painting my nails, my curious little girl came over to take a look.
She crouched down next to me and pointed at my toes. "What's that?" she asked.
"It's nail polish, Isabella. It helps make toes pretty!" I told her.
She the proceeded to take the bottle from me and tried to paint her own nails. So even though she's only 1, I figured it's never too early to learn how to be girly! So I painted her nails.

My husband wasn't too thrilled when he got home from work.
"Is my daughter wearing nail polish??" He asked is disbelief.
"Yes", I replied, "isn't it the cutest?"
He was not convinced that 16 months is a proper age to have painted nails.
Oh well, us girls like it! :)

For those of you who haven't yet given me you email, please do so soon if you would like to continue reading my blog. Thanks, friends! (see previous post for details.)
Also, any comments left that include your address I will not publish to protect your privacy.


  1. How cute are those little toes!? Dadda's are so funny about their girls. Too cute!

  2. I think 16 months is a PERFECT time for her to start having prettier toes! I'll get my email in to you this weekend!

  3. She is so adorable. I saw a little girl at the beach the other day (in a precious bathing suit with a skirt) and held out her hand to us and said "see?" because they were painted. And then her mom came and got her, but right before she left, she turned around and stuck out her hand and said "SEE?" :)
    My email is

  4. I wish I could paint Jude's Nails.

  5. Greetings from Miami! I think her little toes are adorable. It's never to early to be girly.

    I've got my Ultimate Blog Party 2010 post up at Dayngrous Discourse. Plus, I've got my first giveaway too. I hope you'll surf on over and say hello.

  6. Hi there, I just found your blog through Maria at Two hearts made four". Your blog is too cute and so is Isabella, what a doll she is!! Love your Etsy store too, I used to have one but it got to be too much for me to do...I make hair bows, jewelrey etc for little girls too!! I am so glad I found your blog, would love to come back and read more!

  7. How funny, after my daughter's birthday party yesterday I treated myself to a pedicure and when I got home she flipped for my painted toes. Her Daddy is adament he doesn't want her to be too girly...hmmm, did he miss that her party was pinkalicous. Did I mention our house is exploding with pink?!?! Love your baby girls toes, too precious.

  8. Oh, how fun!
    I love tiny painted toes.. adorbs!
