Monday, April 12, 2010


We have been lucky enough to enjoy several warm sunny days recently, and I couldn't be happier! However, I have a problem.
I am white. Like REAL white. Like "Ouch, my eyes!" white. I never go to tanning beds because I don't want cancer. Strange, I know. I usually use tanning lotions, or sprays, but they almost always streak, and they smell funny.
Does anyone know of a great self tanning product that won't make me orange and stripey? I really need some help! :)
Until I find a solution, I will stick to long skirts and jeans so as not to hurt anyone.


  1. Try Jergen's Touch of Sun! You have to use it twice a day, and it doesn't smell great, but it works. I usually put just a smidge of Bath & Body Works lotion with it to get rid of the smell and that helps!

  2. has her favorite up this morning, and asked the same question, so you might find something in the comments! I'm in the same boat, I am so white it's not funny, but hmm, don't want cancer either. My SIL is fair skinned and red headed, her parents let her have a tanning bed IN HER BEDROOM growing up, and wouldn't you know, she had to have several cancer spots removed at the ripe old age of 28. Eeeeek!

  3. I have been using Jergens Day Glow. It really just gives you a touch of color.

  4. Haha! I'm so white, too! :) I have a friend who uses the Leggs one? I think that's right? Anyway, I'll double check, but she always looks wonderful and never stinks!

  5. I wish I could help :( I just use the beds because I have never had luck with the lotions/sprays. I know I know. The beds are horrible =/ BUT I don't go often!!

  6. What I use is Soleil.I get the medium color,its a flash bronzer but it takes a bit for me.I put it everywhere but for now just the face.What I do is clean my face real good(wash) then dry it real good dabbing it not rubbing.Then I apply some cream like moisterizing creme and rub that in.Then when it dries add the bronzer.make sure you rub it evenly and in real good. I rub it in til my skin looks red lol.Good Luck!

  7. Get out in the sun lol that's all I do, I work on a ranch so by the end of the summer I have a t-shirt tan though... I'm gonna work on that though!

  8. Oh dear, I totally feel you on this. My sister told me the other day that I'm the whitest person she's ever seen. My italian genes didn't deliver in the color department, that's for sure! :)

    I hope you get an answer on the sunless tanner...the smell drives me insane! ick!!!

    Once I used that Sally Hansen leg makeup. It worked like a charm...until I got sweaty. No crossing your legs with that stuff! :)

  9. just go to the tanning bed ;) haha jk

  10. I've gotten a spray tan and liked it a couple of times...

  11. I need it too! I am always afraid of streaks. I will have to try some of these. Let us know what you end up doing! Have a great day.

  12. ditto the jergen's! works great!

  13. Totally agree on the Jergen's!! Use it at the beginning of last summer and was very pleased!

  14. You could always Mystic. My friend posted a great tutorial here:

    Tell her Terri sent ya! :)
