Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mommy is a Hairstylist

Many of you who have been following me for awhile know that I am a hair stylist. I get to work from home in the salon my hubby made for me, and I love it! It's such a fun job.
But I have been putting off cutting my daughter's hair for quite some time.
Well, I finally gave in and decided that a nice bang trim was all she needed to avoid looking like a ragamuffin any longer. (Plus it would help her see better!)
I thought it would be fun to do Mommy daughter hair cuts. We both got bangs.
(My man was sweet enough to take pictures and video the whole time.)
Here are our before pictures.

She is extremely silly - I love it! :)
I will not force you to watch the video, but I will tell you that she was a very good girl. She was so thrilled to be sitting in the big salon chair all by herself that she held still the whole time!
Here we are afterwards with our snazzy new bangs.

She was very happy with her first salon experience.

We had a blast! She is so much fun!

pppssstt.... remember in my last post I said I was "ouch, my eyes" white? I wasn't kiddin!
Now on another note, I would really like your input on something. Pretty please??
For awhile there I was pretty much mostly blogging about my shop, and though no one said anything about it I thought maybe it was too much. I don't know how many of you really care!
So here's where I need to hear your thoughts. Would you like for me to still post when I have a sale, or add fun new designs? And did you like when I would offer the weekly super bargain items?
I don't want this to be a blog about my jewelry, but it is a big part of my life. Do you want me to occasionally post about any of these things?
Give it to me straight, I can take it :)
And thanks for hanging in there with me these past 4 months of blogging!


  1. Oh cute bangs for the both of you!

  2. Love love the bangs on both of you! I would still like to hear about your shop and sales you might have!

  3. I adore her hair :) plus, she's already just adorable

  4. AW she is so adorable!!!
    hooray for baby's first hair cut!!!

  5. I like to see the new things you make. If you don't remind me about them, I tend to forget to check your store.

    I'm so glad she was so happy with her haircut, such a good girl!

  6. I like hearing about the jewelry! I don't wear a whole lot of the "blingy" jewlry and don't have much money to spend right now (make that NONE) but I love "window-shopping" through your store! wish I could get you to do my hair :P

  7. i certainly think you should keep blogging about your shop. we all love your creations and like to know about them! her bang trim is too cute! she is such a beauty.

  8. Haha shes adorable.That kinda half smile she has there,lol.I love the look of her hair, she looks really cute.Mommies hair looks nice too,lol.

    I can remember when my girls were that small and how thin their hair was.Especially my oldest.I had to constantly due braids and ponytails etc lol.

  9. love it! she is seriously so precious. :)

  10. Y'all's bangs are so cute! :D I think you should talk about your shop as much as you like if it's something important to you.

  11. So cute, love her little bangs! What a big girl she is! :)

    I enjoy a little bit of each... I don't do a lot of shopping online but love seeing your new stuff :)

  12. I love a good mix of thins to read about and I always love to see your newest creations

  13. I've only been following your blog for a couple of months, but I love when you post your sales. I only buy things on sale, either in the shop, or online.
    AND, I love your shop.

    For me, it was what got me hooked into following you. As much as I think your little girl is the most precious thing ever, I love the jewelery you create.

    So PLEASE keep sharing about what you're passionate about :)

  14. yayyyy first hair cut!! adorable! and again..how in the world do you get your hair to look so good in every photo you take? seriously? do a post on that. haha. (i'm not even joking.) ;)

  15. I don't have any spending money right now, things are tight :-/ however I love to window shop through your store, so I like when you post about it :-) When things pick up again, maybe I can get something!

    You both have very cute haircuts!


  16. You KNOW I need my haircut, where are you???? gah, I know, not in Texas. I too like reminders of what you have, and when I have money to burn will be hitting you up. Actually I need anniversary earrings so it might be sooner! I don't normally like blogs when they totally turn into a complete etsy shop. Your daughter is a cutie for sure!

  17. I didn't know you were a hairstylist but I could have totally guessed! I love to see your beautiful jewels and sales! I really do...I am hoping to buy something one day!

  18. wow she is adorable..the bangs look great on both of ya!

    There is no hard fast rule on blogging..Do what you love.

  19. Love the new Hairdo on both of you! I still want to hear. I have bought some of your jewelry and love it. You should definitely share your talent. I certainly do not feel that it is overload! Keep it coming. Have a great day!

  20. Actually, I agree with Natalie, I'm sure most of us would L.O.V.E to hear more about the hair styling. Different 'dos, tips, tricks, whatever!

  21. Ahhh! You guys look SO CUTE! Love the bangs, on both of you! And I love hearing about your jewelry, because it lets me know what's new in the shop. I like that. Lots and lots. ;)

  22. Very cute bangs, adorable little girl!
    Haha, I'm very very white too...my brothers joke that I'm albino. But that's not entirely true....just look at my profile picture. ;)

  23. Aww, I know how that works, even though you do hair, cutting babies hair, especially little girls, is so hard.

    She does look pleased, and I know I'm like a year late on seeing this, but it totally caught my eye, since I just got done chopping away all my kids hair, and I even cut my own hair yesterday. Hope you can come say hi, and check it out, of course give it to me straight DO YOU LIKE IT???
    Bella Before and After , and if you are a sz8.5, and love cute shoes, come enter to win a pair of BCBGirls Hipster sandals ....GIVEAWAY HERE, I really appreciate the support.

    Bella :)
