Wednesday, April 14, 2010

You Asked For It!

You guys are so sweet! I have received so many sweet emails and comments lately and it really brightens my day! I have the best followers/friends :)
Now since the people have spoken I will continue the weekly super bargain posts. Starting now.
This Gold Treasure Necklace is one of my favorite designs.

It's funky yet elegant. Bold yet delicate. Colorful yet classy. You just can't go wrong with this one!
The super bargain price is only $17.95 that's a major price cut from $24.95! But it's only good this week or until someone buys it - whichever comes first. Then the price goes back up!
As an added bonus, if you purchase this treasure and decide you want something else too, you will not pay shipping on any other items you buy. Which means it's a good time to get that mother's day gift for your mama (or for yourself if your husband is shopping illiterate) or just get more goodies for yourself!
You may want to check out these Bali Inspired Earrings

They are not an exact match to the necklace, but they are a lovely compliment. Of course I can always design a perfect match for you if you prefer :)
Remember free shipping on additional items when you purchase the deal of the day!
Good luck!


  1. gorgeous, stephanie!!! keep the jewelry coming! ; )

  2. I just bought a hair straightener so I outta spending money -SOB- love the bracelet!! I'm wondering if you've ever done anything with clip on earrings? I can't get my ears pierced for a few years but I can wear clip ons...

  3. Love love the bali inspired bracelet stephanie!Too cute.

    Have a great rest of the week!

  4. Pretty pretty! If only I wore more purple! I went to your site and loved them!

  5. very nice blog, thank you for sharing , Follow from Friday follow,
    you can follow back at

  6. I love eveything you make we pretty much have the exact same taste lol. You deserve at award op look at that I have one for you on my blog :)
