Monday, April 19, 2010

Skinny Jeans

Skinny jeans.
I never thought I'd wear them. I thought I would look awful in them, so up until a few months ago I never even gave them a chance.
But you know what? I finally tried some on and I LOVED them! I really thought that unless you weigh like 12 lbs you probably shouldn't be wearing them. But they are my new favorite style of jeans to wear.
So I gave in and bought a pair a few months ago, and I wore them all the time. But recently I started noticing that they aren't so skinny anymore. In fact I could take them off and pull them on without even unbuttoning them. I don't think that's how skinny jeans are supposed to fit.
So I set out on a mission to find a new pair.
Does anyone else hate jean shopping? It seems nearly impossible to find a pair that looks great and actually fits well right off the rack.
But I got lucky! The very first pair I tried on fit like a dream which is awesome because one year olds don't really have the patience to go to store after store trying on a million pairs.
And bonus - they are a size smaller (must be all the chocolate I've been eating).
But I've also noticed trying on some clothes from last spring that those are all too big too. Oh well, guess I'll just have to buy new clothes. Aw Shucks!
Now I pose to you a style question. What shoes do you wear with your skinny jeans in the spring? You can't wear boots anymore and I kind of think flats look weird. Wedges? Heels? What do you think my fellow fashionistas?


  1. Flip flops :) I don't wear skinny jeans, just my cowgirl jeans, low rise, boots cut, etc. I found a GREAT place to get jeans, the Academy sporting goods store. They have Wrangler jeans that fit like a dream and are cheap too.

  2. Hmm. Maybe I will try them. I'm really afraid of them, though. I've seen people wear flats with their skinny jeans, and I think it looks cute! :)

  3. When I wear skinny jeans, which isnt very often anymore ;) in the spring summer I like to wear them with really strappy sandals or peek-a-boo wedges. My SIL wears hers all the time with heals or the peekaboo boots. I am awful in heels so I try to avoid them at all cost :) Awesome on being able to buy a size smaller! That is always a great feeling.

  4. I'm scared to try skinny jeans. I think the only way I'd wear them is with a cute pair of boots. Or are you not supposed to wear them like that?? Who knows! Glad you found the perfect pair :)

  5. I actually think it looks weird for skinny jeans to be worn with heels or wedges. I wear them flats, lol. I know you don't like that look! I also wear mine with flip-flops? I don't really focus too much on style, though. I usually just throw on clothes for class in a hurry because I don't leave myself much time to get ready for all the sleep I get. :p

  6. hi! you looked super cute in your skinny jeans yesterday!! maybe a cute flat dressy sandal or dressy flip flip with em? i think ballet flats are super cute too!

  7. I've never braved a pair. I think my hips are too hippy, or maybe I'm a scaredy cat. ;) But skinny jeans becoming baggy jeans? WOOHOO for you, girl! I like it when my clothes miraculously become too small the next season. Too bad I'm heading the opposite this summer, ha! ;) That being said, I think wedges would be cute with skinny jeans, but I don't know nothin'.

  8. In the spring, I always wear either flops or gladiator-type sandals. if my jeans are so long that they come down over the sandal, I roll them up once at the bottom about 2-3". I do the same thing when I'm wearing heels with them and they rumple at the bottom.

    I have the opposite problem: I can never figure out what kind of shoes to wear with them when it's cooler out, other than boots. I feel like to every family function, I come walking in with big ole boots on - which doesn't happen often in the south, because it doesn't get that cold, so I end up sticking out like a sore thumb!

  9. Ahh, to lose a jean size!!! My 14 year old wears her white converse shoes with them and they are cute! Have a great evening.

  10. Thanks for the follow!-Following you back : )
    I absolutely hate jean shopping too---it's too rough! Glad to hear it went smoothly for you!
    I truly only bought a pair so that I could wear them with boots easier (rather than stuffing my jeans into my tiny boots!) so I'm no help. They look ridiculous on me without boots haha! But I do think that flats look cute paired with them (on other people, of course!)

  11. Hmm. I hopped over here from Jen's . . . and I say, that with my $6 on-sale Kohl's gray-wash skinny jeans (that, haha, are without the second-skin squeeze factor) I wear flip-flops or tennies with them . . .
    But I would try heels. If I liked wearing heels or broke a pair in. ;)
    Have a lovely night!

  12. Way to go, you skinny girl you! I loved skinny jeans (back in the day before I was barefoot and pregnant). I'll get there again one of these days--hopefully!!! I'm getting impatient to lose this baby weight already.

  13. My hips are too wide. I just can't do it. I think we need a picture to show us that a normal woman can wear these jeans. If you aren't normal and have a super rocken body I'm going to call you out like any good bloggy friend would do. ;)

  14. oh i LOVE my skinny jeans!
    and i'm so with you jean shopping is the absolute worst.
    i love wearing flats with mine.. i roll my skinny jeans up like two big rolls for the spring.. and its super cute with sandals or flats!!

  15. You definitely have the gift of being creative!

  16. I still haven't braved up to get skinny jeans. I hate jean shopping too! Boo. But I have seen people wear them with many types of shoes, flats, wedges, flip flops. I guess whatever you think looks best! New follower by the way! Love your blog. Hope you have a great day! xoxo.

  17. I think flats look adorable with skinnies...but I also dig stilettos and wedges with them too. I basically pair anything and everything with my skinnies. ah ha ha

  18. I stumbled across your blog and wanted to say hi.
    Take a minute an check my blog out
    I have lots of great giveaways going on.
    Thanks :)

  19. I LOVE your site!! We love finding fellow Christian bloggers - especially those with style :). I love that necklace - I'm such an accessory junkie. If you're ever interested in doing a giveaway, I would LOVE to host it on my blog - try to cross promote a bit ... you know, give a new meaning to "body of Christ" :).

    Anyway - Happy Friday Follow! I'm your newest following friend. I'd love for you to drop by my blog sometime & return the favor. We're also hosting a great GIVEAWAY for a Pampered Chef Trifle Bowl - ends Sat (4/24) and doesn't have many entries - so your odds are good :). Please, stop by and enter to win - a quick link to it can be found in my top right sidebar! Hope you're looking forward to a great weekend!

  20. Following you now (No. 161), please follow back!

  21. Cute blog!Definitely heels at night, and ballerina flats during the day. I am your newest follower from the Friday FOllow! Please come follow back!
    Debi(Truthful Mommy)

  22. Visiting from FF! Lovin' your blog...hope you can visit me sometime!

  23. jean shopping falls right in the same category as swimsuit shopping. i can't rock the skinny jean. boo!

  24. i haven't taken the dive into the world of skinny jeans but i always think they look so cute with heels!!
