Thursday, May 6, 2010

Giveaway Winners!!

Alright, kids we have some winners to announce!!
Thanks to all who entered and a super special thank you to all who blogged/vlogged/posted about my shops! You guys are way cool. ;)
Lets just cut to the chase, shall we?

The winner of the flower pin and gift certificate is.......

Joyeful form The Joyeful Journey who said:
Oh my goodness--I love that flower! And it looks GOOD on you! You're so tiny! I would love it!
Congrats girl! Just email me your address and your flower will be on it's way!

The winner of the earrings and gift certificate is......

Kimberly from Kimberly's Korner who said:

I am already a follower. I like the pearl dream earrings.

From your shop I like the Rosette Trio Necklace!

Congrats, Kimberly! Again, just email me your address and your pearl earrings will be on their way to you!

Thanks again to all who participated! Enjoy your prizes, friends!


  1. yay for winners! one day i will be one...haha. ;)

  2. Congrats to the girls! I really need a flower-y necklace. As soon as I have some extra $$, I'm heading your way!

  3. Congrats to the winners!

    And I received my necklace and barrette in the mail last them!!

  4. bummer! i missed out on the giveaways!! i'm soo behind on visiting my bloggy friends!! my mom looooved her bling from you; she said you did a fabulous job!!! thx again!!!! you should have your dove stuff near the end of next week!!

  5. oh my!! thank you! You made my day!!

  6. Yay!! I'm SO excited!! What a happy day : ) Just one more incentive to get my girly figure back ASAP! I can't wait to wear that adorable rose pin on a belt!

    I'm sending you my addy.

  7. Congrats to the winners - and adorable blog! Following you from Follow Friday and look forward to blogging with you!

  8. congrats to the lucky ladies!!!

  9. Congrats to all of the winners. I am a new follower from Friday Follow, so glad to have found your blog. Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend!


  10. That is awesome! I got your email! I am so excited and that is so awesome! I can't wait to hit up your shop again!
