Monday, May 10, 2010

Let's Help These 2 Together!

This good looking couple is my brother, Tim and his girlfriend, Megan. (She's lovely, right? And I'm not just saying that because she's wearing Bella Regali jewelry.) I like them. They are good people.
I'm pretty sure that one day Megan will be my sis in law and I couldn't be happier. I love her.
Tim and Megan are leaving the country at the end of the month for an internship in Mozambique.
Tim is a genius when it comes to languages, and he has a desire to take languages that perhaps have not even been written down, and translate the Bible so that they can understand it. Pretty awesome huh? I told you he was cool.
Megan has a love for children and teaching, and she wants to use her gifts to bring people to Christ. I wasn't kidding about these two. Their passion for Jesus and spreading the gospel around the world is inspiring!
Like I said, they are heading to Africa in a matter of weeks to put their gifts to good use, and there is still a good bit of money to be raised. I really want to help them out because I think it's awesome what they are doing. They feel the nudging of the Spirit and they are following His lead happily!
They need to have all their money in by the 17th so here is what I want to do. As you know I have three etsy shops and from now until Saturday, the 15th all profits from every sale will go to help them get to Mozambique to help them share the love of Jesus with those who may not otherwise hear the gospel! The links to all three shops are on the right side of my blog. Please visit them and consider making a purchase. You will get beautiful, unique jewelry, and your money will go to the greatest cause! Many items are under $10, so there's no need to spend a fortune (although if you feel the need to, I won't stop you!). Every little bit will help.
I am doing this as a surprise for them - so don't spill the beans! I am hoping to hand them a hefty check come the end of the week.
(I will try to get some new items in my shops today so you have more to choose from!)
Thanks, and have fun shopping!


  1. How cool is that! What a great big sis you are, love this idea!

  2. I am following you from Friday Follow.

    Jeanette Huston

  3. good for you for wanting to support them:)

  4. wow, I love how God uses His people!!

  5. What a great idea! You must be so proud. I am going right now to check out the store! Best of luck with the fundraiser for your bro! Have a great day!

  6. What a great idea Steph! And Mozambique? Awesome...and scary!

  7. Um, aren't they both followers of your blog? May be a little hard to keep a secret. But, absolutely sweet of you to do this for the two of them! I'm sure they'll appriciate it very much!

  8. What a great idea! I have been eyeing some of the jewelry so now might be the perfect time to purchase. What a great big sis you are. Praying God will provide plentiful for them!

  9. What a wonderful thing! God bless them both for their willingness to serve Him!!

  10. wow, the Lord has some amazing things in store for them! praying for their trip and for the funds.
