Thursday, June 17, 2010

Better Late Than Never!

I was looking back over some old blog posts and I realized that months ago I promised you something and didn't deliver.
I was writing about things that I was thankful for and this was one of them. I was asked to share the recipe.... but I forgot all about it!
Today I will remedy that oversight and tempt your taste buds with my yummy peanut butter cups!

(I think this picture is actually of the caramel version - but you get the idea!)
Those of you who know me, know that I am not a recipe person. I know what I like, and I know enough about cooking/baking that I can come up with something tasty on my own. I'm not big on measuring - I just add until it seems right. So far I haven't had any disasters.
But that makes it hard to share the "recipe" when people ask for it.
I don't think you could mess up this one though. It's super simple and tastes great every time - so give it a try!

Stephanie's PB Cups
1 stick of butter
2 ish cups of sugar
1 1/2 ish cups graham cracker crumbs
1 ish cup peanut butter
12 oz your favorite chocolate bar/chips

Melt the butter in a large bowl. And add the sugar, graham cracker crumbs, and peanut butter. Mix well.
In separate bowl melt chocolate and stir until smooth.
(For this part I like to use baking cups, but you can just make it in one 13x9" pan)
Pour melted chocolate into baking cups until the bottom is covered completely. Add peanut butter mixture and top with remaining chocolate. Chill for at least 2 hours. Store leftovers in the refrigerator.

There you have it! A super easy, really yummy treat for all you chocolate pb lovers out there!


  1. i love the "ish" in your recipe...Sounds delish, will try it out soon!

  2. great recipe!
    and it sounds simple enough that even i can do it! ;) and i am not a cook/baker. lol.
    i adore your blog :)

  3. I cannot wait to make these for my family ... they look awesome!

  4. They look tasty but I'm trying to eat BETTER. My goodness though!

  5. Yummy Stephanie,Sounds so good, even though I watch the sweets once in a while you need something sweet,lol.

    LOL@ the ish on your recipe.Happy weekend!

  6. Mmmmmm, girl. Those looks wonderful. And you and I are so totally two peas in a pod, besides the fact that you have like SUPER wow awesome hair and all. (grin) Okay, so maybe we're two peas in a pod about recipes, 'cause I never measure anything either, that makes us practically soul sisters, right? ;)

  7. Mmmmm that sounds so yummy! I'll have to try it! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  8. That recipe sounds delicious!
    Happy FF!
    What a great header! Lovely blog!
    I'm now following you!
    Happy Friday!

  9. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Those peanut butter cups look delicious!!!

  10. You cook like I do: are we here to do math or to cook???? Looks delish. I will try this for sure. Found you via Friday Follow. I like your blog and will happily follow along. Come visit Steadfast. Rosemary

  11. I can't wait to try this. We love Reeces chocolates with PB but they are hard to find over here. This looks even better!

    Best wishes,

  12. Yup, I love homemade peanut butter cups. I will have to try yours with the caramel inside.

  13. I'll be making these tomorrow! Sounds yummy!

    Thanks for joining Get Your Craft on Thursday at Life As Lori!

  14. Hi! I found you over at Kojo Designs. These look yummy! We are hardcore chocolate/peanut butter fans around here. I can't wait to try this recipe. I browsed your jewelry too. Beautiful! :o)

  15. New follower from Mailbox Monday. Please let me know once you put an email subscribe button. I'd love to subscribe by email too.

    Have a great week! :)

    ~~ Kat ~~
    My Tots Exactly!
    My Tummy Calls
    My Game of Chance
    From a SAHMmy to a WAHMmy

  16. Yum - you are going to make me fat because I'm a sucker for peanut butter cups!

    Thanks for plant your (fat) and creative seeds at Plant a Punkin Seed Party!

    Punkin Seed Productions

  17. those look so good....I do love peanut butter cups!!

  18. Oh my, those look amazingly delish. Thanks so much for linking up with 6 Inches of Ribbon. come back friday to link up again!

  19. I'm featuring this over at Life As Lori during my Get Your Craft on Thursday party, so if you would like to stop by and grab my I was featured button please do so.

  20. Cute blog! Your PB cups look mighty tasty!!!

  21. Wow! These look amazing, thanks for sharing this one - ooooooowweeeee!


  22. Oh my goodness. These look so good. I can't wait to make them. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am glad I found you...and this recipe :)

  23. Even with the "ish"es, this looks like a yummy recipe! I'm about the same when it comes to stuff that I just "know" how to make.

    I'm so delighted that you stopped by my place today! Thank you ;)

    God bless!

  24. These look absolutely decadent! I'm here to follow you back from iFellowship:)

  25. These look absolutely delightful! Yummo! Thanks for sharing at Tuesday Tastes!

    Happy Day,
    Jasey @ Crazy Daisy

  26. yummsters!! Thanks for linking up with What's for dinner wednesday!


  27. O.M.G. those look scrumptious.

  28. I will be making these soon!!!!


  29. Steph, I just made your P B, Cups and they rock!! They are so yummy. My husband loves them. They will be a new fav or ours. Thanks for sharing the recipe. Nicole
