Friday, June 18, 2010

Fab Foto Friday!

I am joining Missy in Fab Foto Friday!
Check out her blog, she is SUPER talented when it comes to photography. I'm almost embarrassed for her to see mine.
I am not claiming that this is a fab foto per say, but it is a favorite. And since it is Father's Day weekend I wanted to use a picture of my dad.

Here he is holding my sweet baby when she was just a few months old.
Such sweet memories!


  1. Thanks Steph for the support!!! Dads and granddads are the best...we are truly blessed!!

  2. That is such a sweet picture! Goodness, what a memory:)

  3. I'm stopping by from Blog Hop Friday & am your newest follower.

    If you have a chance, I'd love for you to stop by my blog, follow back and take a moment to enter any of the current 4 giveaways {low entries}.

    Have a great weekend

  4. Love the photo of your Daddy and your Isabella. Beautiful!I'm following! Thanks for following!
    I just read your PB cups recipe. I am so going to have to try them out.They sound delish! Happy Mothering!

  5. Absolutely precious! Love that Grandpa love!

  6. I love it- - - thanks! I may have to try that link up, sounds fun!

  7. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comments. This picture is so sweet. That right there is what life is all about!
