Thursday, July 22, 2010

My New Look!!

Ready for the big reveal??
I know it's all you've been able to think about ;)
* Disclaimer: All of the makeover pics are self portraits, so they are not the best. And yes, I do realize that I look naked in them. It was a strapless dress, I swear!*

Here I was with my blonde highlights:
Then I decided it is just too "typical" to have blonde hair in the summer. I don't like to be like everyone else ;)

So I pulled out my beaker and six different bottles of color to create my perfect shade of....


I love it!!

It feels good to do a drastic change sometimes.... even if it's just hair color!

What do you think???

** Don't miss out on all the RED HOT sales right now in my etsy shops! Click here or check the sidebar for details!**

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ready For Change

I want to change so many things in my life right now.
I know that His ways are higher than my ways, and His plans are greater than I can imagine.
So I am trying to be still.... and trust.
But one thing I can change is my hair!
And because I am a hairstylist, I always have color on hand and can change it up whenever the mood strikes me!
Which is often.
Yesterday I took the plunge and said goodbye to my blonde hair.
Ever the mad scientist, I mixed up about 6 different colors to get the perfect shade of.......

Well, you'll just have to wait and see ;)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Miscellany Monday

Here are some miscellany tidbits for Monday.
Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters
1. The hubby watched Man v. Food and decided he needed to eat a HUGE ice cream sundae asap. So being a supportive wife, I made some homemade hot fudge sauce to make it extra delicious.
2. You can also turn a chocolate chip cookie into a decadent treat by dipping it in this gooey goodness! Or so I hear....

3. We've been getting in lots of hugs and giggles around here. But how could we not with this sweet girl around?
4. Daddy and Isabella have been sharing secrets with teddy....

5. Sometimes we play in the sink, just because.

6. And I have a new obsession. Headbands full of bling!

These are sooo me. I love jewelry so much, I will wear it anywhere I can fit it!
It's unique, sparkly, super affordable, AND....

perfect on everyone! Even one year olds can rock this look! ( please excuse the mess, Daddy did her hair :) ) Head over to It's A 10 to get yours today!

Check here for INCREDIBLE deals going on now!!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

You Asked, I'm Answering!

This is Part 2 to my Q&A posts. You asked so many questions, I had to break it up into separate posts (for the sake of saving you from complete boredom).

Hilary Lane said...

If you could have any job in the world (outside of the home) regardless of the money (and of course you'd still get to spend as much time with the sweet babe as you do now) what would you do?

This one is tough. I actually really love what I do now, but if I were to do something else..... I always wanted to be a doctor, and for a long time I've considered going back to school to become a medical diagnostic sonography tech. I am fascinated by medicine and the miracle of the human body. And on the complete other end of the spectrum, I kind of wish I took advantage of some opportunities and gone into modeling. I have had several offers and opportunities, but I am so shy and I always get too nervous to go through with it! I do think it would be fun though ;)

Chantel and Michael Magistro said...

whats your favorite book?

The Catcher in The Rye. This is very "un-Steph-like" as my man would say, but I love this book. I've read it so many times. Usually I prefer to read non fiction, especially memoirs, but this book is an exception.
What's your least favorite chore?

Cleaning toilets. YUCK!
What's your favorite chore?

You all know I love to vacuum! :)
What music do you like?

I like a ton of different kinds of music, but a few of my current favorites are Ingrid Michaelson, Over the Rhine, old Caedmon's Call, Owl City, and Stevie Wonder just to name a few.
What shows do you like?

I am loving the documentary Boston Med (shocker), Grey's Anatomy, How I Met Your Mother, Say Yes to the Dress, The IT Crowd. Not a whole lot of good stuff on tv.
How did you decide on Isabella's name?

I always loved the name Isabella. When I was a kid I didn't know of anyone with that name, but of course the year we finally have a baby, it's one of the most popular names! Oh well, we love it. And we chose Hope as her middle name because through all of our struggles in trying to have her, we always kept hope in the Lord that He would one day bless us with a baby. We are so thankful for her!!
What was your wedding/reception like?

We got married outside in a gazebo in a beautiful garden by a pond on a warm day in May. It was perfect. I cried, and Jared wiped my tears. He's the sweetest :) One day I will have to post some pictures!

LeAnna said...

Beka snagged my first question! Curious how you and the Hubs met. So, my next question would be:

Did you always want to be a cosmetologist, or did you have other "when I grow up" aspirations?


What is something God is teaching you right now, even in the midst of pain and heartache?

Ok, well I already answered the first 2 questions. What is something God is teaching me right now?? He is teaching me a lot. I don't want to get too personal, but one thing I am learning is the power of prayer. (And I am so thankful for those who faithfully pray for me!) Also, I am learning to trust more. I do not trust people for the plain and simple reason that they cannot be trusted! (Well, it's true.) But I am learning to let people in, and I am learning to trust in God's plan even though I cannot understand the means sometimes....

♥ Noelle ♥ said...

How do you always manage to look SO BEAUTIFUL????

Bahahahaha! Thanks, Noelle :)

Well, there are still several questions left. Do you guys want me to answer any more or have you had about enough of me??

Friday, July 9, 2010

Something Sweet

Wow. Is it really Friday already???
We have been crazy busy around here lately, and most of the time I don't even know what day it is!
While my photos are importing from my camera, I am taking a 10 minute breather to check in with you, before the weekend madness sets in.
Ahhhhhh...... or maybe I'll take a nap instead??

I keep wanting to share things with all of you, but I never seem to have the time anymore to write it all down. I guess my thoughts and whereabouts will remain a mystery. ;)
But these are a few things that should not be kept secret.

Because they involve chocolate.

I don't have time to post "recipes"today, so for now pictures will have to suffice.
(If you have a photo you want to share link up here with Missy!)

White Chocolate Strawberry Cheesecake with Chocolate drizzle (a Stephanie original recipe)
Fudge Rum Cups....need I say more????
Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheesecake probably my favorite cheesecake ever! (a Stephanie original recipe)
Have a sweet weekend, all!
PS: Check here for INCREDIBLE deals!!!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Fab Foto Friday and Some Answers

This is my pick for Fab Foto Friday.
Every time I see this picture, I smile. It just makes me happy! We flew out to South Carolina so Isabella could meet her great grandparents. They pretty much adore each other. It's the sweetest thing seeing them with her - they light up every time!
If you have a fab foto you want to share, head on over to Missy's and link up!

Now for some answers....
You all had so many questions! Several questions require a lengthy answer, but I will do my best to be brief - I don't want to bore you to tears.

beka said...

How/when did you meet your husband? We met at church, and knew each other for a few years before we started dating. We met, became friends, became super close friends, then became a couple and didn't realize it, then we made it official! Haha. When I was 20 years old and we had been dating for a year and a half, he asked me to be his wife. Less than 5 months later we were married and honeymooning in Maui!

Did you always want to have children someday?
YES! I was obsessed with babies as a kid, and I always wanted to have a big family of my own one day.

What's one of your favorite books of the Bible? I have many favorites but if I had to just pick one I think I would choose Ruth. It's an amazing story! If you haven't read it, go read it now!

Mrs. Lukie said...

Love this :)
You have such beautiful skin--what is your skin care regimen?
I am a little embarrassed to answer this one. I used to buy all the fancy/expensive products: cleansers, toners, masks, creams.... then one day I ran out of my supply and just didn't buy any more. It must have been when I was pregnant with Bella and was on bedrest. Just between us, I just use regular soap and some moisturizer! Sshhh, don't tell anyone. ;)

These 2 are similar so I will put them together.

Kimberly said...

I have to think of a question. Just got on to say I made your peanut butter cups! they were great!! now...hmmmm...a question! What hair products do you use on your hair? Your hair always looks nice & what is your favorite perfume??

BK said...

Cool! Ummmmm is your hair naturally curly? How do you style it?

Ok. Yes, my hair is naturally curly. I like it because it's not too curly that I can't do anything else with it. I pretty much style it differently everyday. I get bored easily, ha! And as far as products go, being a stylist I feel it is my duty to buy every single product ever made. So I have tons! Basically I use a smoothing shampoo and conditioner (Matrix Sleek Look is my fave), some type of leave in conditioner (my hair, being curly and color treated needs lots of moisture!). The rest depends on how I wear my hair for the day. But those are my everyday basics!

How did you start making jewelry? I played around with making jewelry even as a kid. I am in love with all things sparkly, and I have to wear jewelry every single day. I like to be unique and have pieces that no one else has. I hate walking into a room and seeing 10 other people with the same earrings! So last year I bought all necessary supplies to make my own one - of a - kind, high quality jewelry, and I became instantly hooked! My husband would ask, "how much more are you going to make??" So I decided to try my hand at selling some of my creations, and thus Bella Regali was born! I love it!

Alright, I am out of time so this is all you get today! I will try to answer more of your questions in my next post. Happy weekend!