Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday Feature

Is anyone else happy it's Friday??
I am hoping to have a girls night tonight and if I'm really lucky, maybe I'll snag a date with my man this weekend! 
Also, I want to go shopping. For myself. I've realized that since my daughter was born I haven't really bought anything for me; it all goes to that sweet little girl.  A couple times I've gone out shopping with the intention of getting something for myself, but it's so easy to get sidetracked by all the cute little girl stuff. A few weeks ago I came home with about 15 outfits and 4 pairs of shoes for the little lady, and I got toothpaste. Hmmm.  Maybe next time I'll get 15 outfits and 4 pairs of shoes! :) 
I know a lot of you women are the same way. You're always buying something for your kids, or a friend (which is all good and noble), but never treat yourself. 
Today is the day, friends!
And I'm gonna make it fun and painless by offering you a sweet deal!
This is Fridays Feature!
From now until my next Feature is posted I am offering my anklets at a super bargain price.
Regularly $15, but as my featured items they are now only $8.95 or 2 for $15. That's like getting 2 for the price of one! 
Here are your choices:
Summer Breeze
 Pink Shimmer
 Sweet Sparkle
 Purple Shimmer
 Painted Glass

Simple email me at or leave a comment with your email and let me know which one(s) you want!  There are also coordinating headbands and earrings for most of these that can be found here all for under $10!


  1. I remember buying for my kids and not me. Now they are grown and I don't buy for them anymore. But now I have a new problem.....I buy for my grandchildren instead of me. That's okay. I wouldn't have it any other way....

  2. Hello, I'm just stopping in to say Happy Friday, I'm already following!

  3. very nice feature.. Have a great weekend.

  4. I like the "Sweet Sparkle!"

    I am already a follower but stopped by from Mingle Mondays to say "hi!"

    - Shelli :)

  5. Your anklets are adorable! We are headed into harvest right now, so my fashion days are kind of number for showing off my ankles, but I still may splurge! Following from BHHSJ. Stop by for a visit with me on the farm!

  6. Hello! I just found your blog this morning. Those anklets are gorgeous. I am a new follower and looking forward to reading more. I hope you will stop by for a visit! ~Lanie J.

  7. Visiting from NFF. Love those anklets. Will go check out your etsy shop.

  8. I just found your blog today, I love the jewelry. I have done some beading myself. I also love your biblical blog theme! Check mine out too!
    -Jill N.

  9. Your jewelry is gorgeous! And I love the title of your blog. I've found comfort in that verse often.

    Happy Friday Follow! (from The Girl Creative :)) I'm your newest hanger on :)


  10. Beautiful jewelry!

    I'm now following your blog and I hope you'll visit my blog and follow me too!

    Thanks so much!
