Monday, August 16, 2010

Miscellany Monday

It's Monday, you know what that means!
Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

1. Last night in a heroic effort to save my daughter from falling backwards, I bent my nail backwards. Like it came off of my finger and had to be put back on. *shiver* It seemed to reattach itself, so that's good, but WOW that hurt!!

2. Yesterday Bella and I decided to visit Daddy at work and bring him some treats to help his day go by a little faster. While hanging out in the car we caught a glimpse of what's to come.


3. Head over to the fabulous Carissa's blog (just click the button at the top of the post) and enter her giveaway - it's a good one *ahem*.

4. Everyone who makes a purchase from
and mentions her giveaway will get 10% off everything you order and you'll also get a gift card!!

It's a swell deal ;)

5. I think some play time at the park is in order for today - it's gorgeous out there!


  1. LOVE the pics of Little Miss driving the car, toooo cute! Ouchy about your nail. :( Enjoy your beautiful day!

  2. Oh my........what a sweet picture! And playing with the radio! What a hoot! Sorry about your nail - sounds painful! Hope you had a perfect day!

  3. Ouch, I've had that happen to me before. It's not fun. Love the picture of the little Miss driving the car. It will happen all too soon.

    Have a great day!

  4. Here from MM - wow, that sounds painful! Your daughter is a cutie! :)

  5. Your daughter is adorable!! Ouch! about the nail, gives me the chills just thinking about it!!

    Following you through Tag Along Tuesday!!

  6. Hey Stephanie, so sorry I've been a stranger on blogger lately. Boo. :( But I'm hoping to be doing some good catching up this fall, cause I have classes with 2 hr breaks...oh dear. The computers here don't like networking sites, but they love Blogger. Hooray!
    So sorry about your nail, that's awful. :( And Bella is getting so big. Gee, has it really been a long time since I was here last???

  7. How precious!My "baby" is almost ready to drive. Yikes! She drives one of our farm trucks around. The thing is such a dinosaur. Speeding couldn't happen in this truck. It would fall apart! Have a good week.

  8. I'm in the process of teaching my middle son to drive. One word of advice - medication!

  9. i can't believe our babies will get behind a wheel one day! it will be here before we know it!

    thanks again for the fabulous giveaway!
