Sunday, January 9, 2011

*Pure Deliciousness*

Pure deliciousness is the best way to describe these homemade treats.
I got this idea in my head, and even though I still had tons of treats left from Christmas, I had to make them!
No matter how many you make, you'll wish you made more. Trust me. So make a lot. :)
Here's how: 

Steph's Pure Deliciousness Cups

Step 1: Make some gooey caramel from scratch (you know, lots of butter and brown sugar...) or I suppose you can cheat and just melt down some caramels from the store (it just won't be as good, you've been warned). 

Step 2: Pour some of your favorite melted chocolate into a cupcake liner. I used silicone cups. You can just paint the chocolate on the bottom and up the sides a bit, but I like lots of chocolate, so I just poured it in! :)
 Step 3: Add a warm gooey (generous) spoonful of caramel over the chocolate layer.
 Step 4: Add a pretzel.  
 Step 5: Smother that unsuspecting pretzel with more delicious chocolate.
Step 6: Top with a garnish. I chose m&m's, but you could add just about anything!
Step 7: This is the hardest part of the whole thing. 
Stick them in the fridge and let them set. I know it's hard, but you can do it! It will be well worth the wait!
 Step 8: Peel them out of their restricting shells and devour. 
 You can thank me later. :)


  1. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [10 Jan 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  2. Oh my goodness those sound delicious!!! You are right I would have a difficult time waiting as well. Looking forward to trying these yummy treats!

  3. mmm, Steph, those look so good!
    Troy just got silicone cupcake liners for Cam. We made muffins in them, and I became an instant fan.

  4. Wow! Those do look really yummy! And I totally agree with you about the homemade caramel being WAY better than melted Kraft squares (: Visiitng from Be One Fine Day's blog hop.

  5. Those look soooooooooooooooooo good!

  6. Those look delicious :) I'm adding them to my "Must Make Recipes"!

    ~ Stacey ~

    I'm following you through Meet Me Monday :)

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  7. Oh my heavens! Pure yum!!!! What a great combination of the best flavors ever!!!

  8. saw this post from texas monkey all about you mondays and these look so yummy!! i might have to try these with the group of kids i keep!! yum!

  9. I'm not sure how I found your blog--most likely through a blog hop. But I bookmarked it to visit again and am so glad I did! This recipe looks great. I think I'll make this for my students when we have our next snow day. Blessings!

  10. all of your desserts look AMAZING! I am now following from I hope you'll come by and check it out. Have a great day! BJ

  11. This looks soooo yummy and once I'm out of my southern ice cave, I will be getting the supplies to make this!

    I am hoping over from the Wednesday hop and I'm a new follower. It's my first follow at my new blog :)

  12. Hi there! I'm your newest follower from WWBH! These look delicious!!

    I would love for you to stop by and follow also! <3


  13. OMG! Those look absolutely amazing!!!!! I may have to make those one of these days!!!

    If you're interested, please stop by and sign up for my blogfest!! It's gonna be really fun!!

  14. YUMMMM-O! I'm going to make these today, I don't have M&Ms, but am going to top them with a Pecan! DELISH! My mouth is watering! LOL

  15. I'm a new follower and fan on facebook...and now really hungry :)

  16. They look so delicious, cant's wait to try them. Thanks a lot for sharing this!

  17. Those look incredibly yummy!
    I found you via the Sunday Strolling Blog Hop.
    I'm now a follower.

  18. These look so yummy! I featured you today on my favorite things :)

  19. Kind of loving this...chocolate, caramel, pretzels, M&M's YUM!

    Heading over to FAN/LIKE you!

  20. Stephanie, those look amazing!!! I am for sure giving them a try b/c I have the silicone cupcake molds. :) Thanks for sharing and thanks so much for linking up to my party. I hope you'll stop by Serenity Now again soon! :)

  21. Found you through Serenity Now's link up and all I can say is YUM! I love love love chocolate and pretzels jeans are complaining tho! I look forward to following!

  22. Boy do these look good! I'm here via Amanda's feature of this post on her blog. It's nice to "meet" you!

  23. Oh good heavens. I really, really have to make these!

  24. I can see why they're so good! Looks fabulous!

  25. Mmmm, those look good! I bet they are delicious, I love love love chocolate covered pretzels. What a fun idea. Thanks for joining the party!


  26. oh so wonderful! So glad I came by here! i'm following and on facebook. :D

  27. Hmmm, I want to make them double layer :o) And then eat them all!

  28. Simple and delicious. Love the combination of sweet and salty! :) I bet's it's really nice with the crunch inside too.

  29. HI Stephanie! It's great to "meet" you here. Love your blog and I'm lovin' your cool mixer in your header pic! Thanks so much for linking this recipe to Saturday Swap. Chocolate, Carmel, and Pretzels? Doesn't get much better! Please remember to include the button to link back to the Swap in your post. Thanks a bunch!

  30. You made it into the finals!!!
