Monday, January 17, 2011

Things I've Been Enjoying

*You all know by now that I am not a fan of the cold. However, snow sure is fun to play in when you have a 2 year old! 

I would play in the snow with you any day, my little snow angel!

**I came up with the idea for these cupcakes at Christmastime and I couldn't wait to make them! My taste testers gave them big thumbs up and said they tasted just like Fanny May Mint Meltaways! (One of my favorites!)

These Fudge Mint Truffle Cupcakes are a definite "make again"!

***I am loving bold, chunky jewelry right now, and this Vintage Golden Garden Necklace is at the top of my list of faves! 

I ran a special on Facebook this weekend and it was so fun, I want to do another one for all my blog friends! Here's how to play:

The first 10 people to place an order either on etsy @
or on Facebook via 
will win a FREE PIECE OF JEWELRY!!!! 
Plus if you shop on facebook at Pearls and Petals you will also receive FREE SHIPPING and and additional 15% off!! 
Hurry, the first 10 to checkout are the only ones who will win the FREE JEWELRY. 
Consider this an early Valentine from me to you!

****Another thing I am loving (and can never get enough of) is time with my little lady. She is talking up a storm and is so stinkin funny!
We like to tell each other secrets and giggle ;)

*****I am loving this new blog:
 It is written by two women who are wives and mothers, documenting a year in their marriages. It's very honest and real (and funny) and relatable. I love when people are open and willing to tell the truth about their lives instead of trying to convince everyone they are perfect. I wish more people were like these ladies! Go check them out!


  1. such a cute little girl you have!

  2. Fanny May mint meltaways are my favorite. Those cupcakes look yummy.
    It looks like you guys are having fun in the snow. It's so grand to have a little one who is old enough to enjoy it, isn't it?
    I love that necklace, I really like the beads you added. You think of the best things to add to your designs.

  3. Mmmm, those cupcakes look soooo good!!!

  4. Love the necklace! So pretty!! Gonna go check the blog....I so hate when people act perfect!

  5. Would you post the recipe for the cupcakes? enjoy the snow with your snowbunny! Cute pictures.

  6. These are all such great things. Your sweet girl, cupcakes, jewelry, and a great new blog to check out. Thank you! I'm glad I stopped by from Welcome Wednesday and now I'm a follower.

  7. Those cupcakes look soooo good: I would LOVE to see a recipe :)

  8. that necklace is gorgeous. and i am not a big fan of snow but having six children sure does make it so much more exciting.

    i am a new follower. i would love to have you stop by my place. say hi and become a follower if you like.

  9. Love your little snow angel baby girl. She's such a beauty queen.

  10. Your little girl is adorable. Do you share your recipe somewhere?

  11. you and bella look so precious together:) love seeing all the things that make you smile ♥

    p.s. i miss chatting with you :(

  12. I featured your cupcakes as part of my Open House wrap up!

  13. Hi! I agree with you. Spending time with the ones we love is wonderful. Your little girl is so cute!
    I found you at the homemaker on a dime. I am following you now. Have a good day!

  14. Adorable Pics ♥ and that cupcake *drool*

    I found your wonderful blog via Winter Friends Wednesday and am your newest Follower :)

    When you have a moment, stop by Frugal Plus and say Hello :)

    ~ Jill

  15. The pics of you and your daughter are beyond adorable. You look like you have a great time together! :)

    I'm a new follower from the Wednesday Hop Skip and Jump Blog Hop! I'd love for you to follow me back at


  16. What a great post! Those cupcakes look divine and I have to say that I am a bit jealous of your purple kitchenaid!


  17. Oh, your pictures are beautiful. I'm not a fan of the cold either, much prefer spring time when the daffodils are starting to emerge.

    Loving the jewellery, too.
    Found you via blog hopping Friday.

  18. Your cupcakes look super good. Please let me know if you share the recipe.

    I love your necklace!

    I'm stopping by from Amanda's party.

  19. What a beautiful little lady!!! :D I love your precious pictures of you with your daughter. So sweet!!! I have a two year old of my own...a sweet boy. When he isn't going on adventures he loves to 'nuggle! :D

    Thanks for sharing today!

    Building Home with Him,

    Mary Joy

    Visiting from Amanda's party

  20. Hi, stopping by from tickled pink. Those cupcakes look delicious. I have been looking for something to make as Valentine treats for my boy's school. I think this is it. :)

  21. First of all, you have really pretty hair!! :) I think those fudge mint truffle cupcakes look amazing!! :) If you could please add a link back to me or my party button to your post, I would really appreciate it. I'm trying to get the word out about my party, and that really helps me out!

    Thanks so much for joining in! Hope you'll visit Serenity Now again soon. :)

  22. Hi stopping by from Sunday Strolling blog hop. What a fun blog so girlish, I love it, the jewelry, the cupcakes and the best, your both so photogenic. Come follow me at

  23. Those cupcakes look devine. All your photos are gorgoeus and so is your little one. I've had a delightful time visiting your blog.


  24. You had me at Cupcake....Stopping by from Relax and Surf Sundays, I'm your newest follower.

    I love your hair color, my daughter is a redhead too :)

  25. Hi following from the hops! I was going to say you have the most amazing hairstyles in all your photos than I saw you are a hairstylist :) makes sense! Also I'd love to get the recipe for those cupcakes they looks so yummy!

    Come visit if you get a chance @ My Adventures in Mommyland

  26. Hey, I found you on Women Who Do It All. I've bookmarked the cupcake recipe in my "to do" folder. Thanks! I'm sure that will be great!

  27. Hey!
    Those cupcakes look amazing! And I love your matching headbands!

  28. Your little girl is adorable! She has such beautiful eyes! Stay warm in all this snow. We didn't get it down here, which is a relief, but I'd tolerate being snowed in if it gave me an excuse to have one of those truffle cupcakes!

  29. The pictures of your little girl in the snow are priceless! Thanks for sharing them with us!
    Becky Jane
    Raising kids can be a lot like weeding the rose bed...well worth it, but...OUCH!

  30. Beautiful pics and love the cupcake!

    Feel free to enter my softie giveaway!!

  31. She is SO precious- I love that little pink button nose!

  32. She is SO precious! I love that little pink button nose!
